In a message dated 10/14/2003 9:30:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time, bahadiracuner@xxxxxxxxx writes: << David Mueller on the "other list" informed me that ATA is changing the seats on their 757s. Which is a positive move and will be easier to handle. I have been on an ATA 737-800 once and it was brutal. I am 5 10. To me the width of the seat is important also as I moved from low 200s to mid 200s within last 3-4 yrs.. >> ATA is taking seats out of the 752s and 753s to make for more legroom. I also think width is a problem on all airlines as I have weigh 178 but have a 44 inch chest. My waist fits but I have to sit scrunched or at an angle because of my shoulders