Here's your chance to purchase shares of JetBlue for less. (Well, not really but some companies like to think so.) JetBlue has declared a 3 for 2 stock split effective mid November. Let's say you own 100 shares of JBLU right now..come 11/20 you'll own 150 shares. Have you made more money because of the split...nope. You just have more shares worth less per share than before. The value remains the same. However some mgmt types like to keep the price of their common shares low so commoners can load up. Then there are the Warren Buffetts of the world who say "let them eat cake" and never split. That's why one share of Berkshire Hathaway A trades for over $77,000. But even the Oracle of Omaha feels our pain and created Berkshire Hathaway B shares which trade for a paltry $2,500 per share. Guess this makes the JBLU split more appealing with a target price of $45 based on today's trading! RT Simpson Phoenix