--=======72703B88======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-14523E3F; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi to all this is another updating regarding the italian civil scene: AIR FREEDOM will serve soon the airports of Trieste, Brescia, Pisa, Parma= ,=20 Forli', Bari and Naples from the airline hub of Olbia. International flights are from Cagliari with suitable connection to Olbia= =20 with final destination to London, Munich, Vienna, Berlin. Paris, Barcelon= a.=20 Fares starts from 110 Euro one way plus taxes for the all seats available= =20 without any different booking class. Residents and originals from Sardini= a=20 pay only 50 Euro one way plus taxes. Catering is suitable for all the=20 passengers without payment. BASIQAIR confirms the operations in Italy for this coming winter with thr= ee=20 flight a week from Pisa to Amsterdam, five times from Naples and twice=20 daily from Bergamo. GERMANWINGS confirms in this coming winter timetable, two flight a day fr= om=20 Milan to Koln, daily from Venice and Rome FCO. Cancelled the seasonal to=20 Bologna, will be resumed in summer 2004. The flight from Stuttgart to Rom= e=20 is now four times a week and the forecasts is to reach the daily rotation= ,=20 such as to open a Venice-Stuttgart leg in future. HELVETIC.COM is a new airline with web site www.helvetic.com with flights= =20 staring from November 28th. 2003 with hub in Zurich: Zrh-Alicante on Mo-We-Fr-Su; Zrh-Brussels from Mo to Fr in the morning, and from Mo to Fr and on Su in= =20 the evening; starting Nov. 9th. 2004. Zrh-Malaga on Tu-Th-Sa; starting Jan. 9th.2004 Zrh-Palma de Mallorca on Mo-We-Fr-Su; starting Jan. 9th. 2004 Zrh-Valencia on Tu-Th-Sa; starting Nov. 28th. 2003 Zrh-Vienna from Mo to Sa in the morning and from Mo to Fr plus Su in the=20 evening, starting Nov. 28th. Planes are ex American Airlines and 10 is the number when full operations= =20 are established. Purple is the color of the full livery plus Helvetic.com billboard tile i= n=20 white on the fuselage. MAERSK resumes service from Billung to Milan Malpensa from Oct.26th.2003,= =20 daily flights, except Saturdays, with a Canadair RJ. That's all for today, Best Regards, Marco --=======72703B88======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-14523E3F Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.520 / Virus Database: 318 - Release Date: 18/09/2003 --=======72703B88=======--