Here I absolutely agree. RJs really are too small to make money unless the pilots are making the relative pittance compared to what bigger jet pilots make. On another note, can we stop sending double e-mails. It is nice to feel loved, but the doubles crowd my mailbox <<Total costs.. total costs. I think WN now pays some of their 737 captains MORE than United. Once you create a pot of pilots, f/a's, ground crew, mechanics, baggage handlers and so on, I believe the picture looks like this. Labour Costs Per Rev. Mile @ WN = Labour Costs Per Rev. Mile @ Comair and Labour Costs Per Rev. Mile @ WN *1.5 = Labour Costs Per Rev. Mile @ <INSERT US MAJOR HERE> I still stand by the assertion that the only reason regional jets are most cost effective for the majors is because of the labour rates and contracts that exist that distort those costs. As you pointed out, the fact that AirTran/JetBlue and so on can operate bigger-birds profitably is proof. (Assuming it's full) the Boeing 747 has the lowest cost per seat going all things being equal. But alas, they are not. That's why US Airways might soon be simply a brand name surrounding 5 contracts to US Air Express affiliates.>>