Now, Baha and I usually agree on things, but here we don't. WN and B6 have some of the best service in the air. Their F/A's are always nice and attentive, unlike airlines like NW and UA. jetBlue has TV and assigned seats. WN always runs on-time and does not lose things, so who cares if you have to choose your seat on the plane. Most people get their seats at the counter anyway. Arena seating makes it easier to get Exit Row. Also, B6 and especially WN have great frequent flyer programs. TrueBlue is cool and novel, and RapidRewards is just plain easy and worth it. You can book 4 online roundtrips from LA to Vegas for 55 round trip and then get a round trip ticket good anywhere WN flies. That is a damn good program. Who needs bad food that you can't get anymore anyway. Also, B6 is now offering the same kind of legroom that UA does in their premium cabin, and they do it without whining about losing money AA Smart, unlike the airline In a message dated 8/11/2003 12:12:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time, bahadiracuner@xxxxxxxxx writes: << I really do not mind paying extra for the assigned seats (WN doesn't have this), a bit better service (WN, JetBlue, etc. doesn't have this). Miles and alliances are important for me, I love flying UA with EconPLus , which I don't mind paying more for, and get on Air Canada to YUL. I love having options in terms of taking flights through ORD, YUL, YVR , because if one hub goes down because of wx, traffic or whatever, I can connect through another hub. (BTW, UA provides the best option in terms of this as I can connect through DEN if ORD is down, or vice versa. Even connecting trhough SFO is an option in my case). Airlines like America West or AirTran will always win my business thanks to their first class seating, milage programs, their cap on the last minute fares and assigned seats. You will never see me on ATA due to their poor service, or Southwest due them being the GReyhound with wings hurding the pax to the airplanes. And accoring to that press release Alaska is a major carrier who screws up their customers, which is not. You will never see me on Delta as they screw their customers in terms of milage plan, $5 for the headset that is operated by the technology from daVinci days. There is room for the major airlines. The problem they have is with their cost structure. The problem with the press articles like this is that a lot of people want $99 one way fares, but they also want the F class treatment. BAHA Fan of commuting to YUL and having a ball at Crescent St. Not a fan of hot and humid YUL days and being stuck in windowless room with almost no AC in downtown Montreal >>