--=======324224C======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-324771AE; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi to all, this is another updating regarding the italian civil scene: AIR BLU' , terminated the new increase stake capital with 502.thousand=20 euro, CAN Srl 44,45% (223.113 euro), Fogolar Viaggi Srl 38,18% (191.667=20 euro), IMS Sas 16,35% (82.100 euro) and Patrizia Bortolotti 1,02% (5.10= 0=20 euro). Soon Friulia SpA the regional government fiancial holding will jo= in=20 the airline with a 18% of the airline capital step by step in various=20 phases. The Friulia entrance in the stake capital will be after a new=20 increrase stake capital allowing the joining of the new financial partner= .=20 Between September and October the airline will prepare the start-up plann= ed=20 in November. A promotional flight will be organised from Ronchi dei=20 Legionari to Paris "Charles de Gaulle", this flight is operated in=20 cooperation with the France Consulate and "Maison de France" the tourist= =20 promotional board of France, where operators in the economical andd touri= st=20 side plus public administrators of Friuli-Venezia Giulia . In the same da= ys=20 a group of French operators will be in Friuli to establish the=20 opportunities to allow the success of the route. BLUE PANORAMA AIRLINES has wet-leased a B737/300 from Ukraine Internation= al=20 to cover the peak season from July to September, the airliner is based in= =20 Milan Malpensa and time to time is in operations from Rome FCO. CHINA AIRLINES with effect Aug. 18th. 2003 will serve on three times a we= ek=20 the destination Bangkok from Rome FCO with A340/300 with First, Business=20 Class and Economy lay-out Operations are on Mo-We-Fr. ROME-BANGKOK Dep h. 22.20 =13Arr. h. 14.10 BANGKOK-ROME Dep. h. 12.55 Arr. h. 19.30 FLYDBA has reduced from seven to five weekly the operations scheduled fro= m=20 Venice to Hamburg and Berlin commenced on July 1st. GANDALF AIRLINES have refused the offer presented from the Societe=20 Financiere de Luxembourg to subscribe part of the stake of the airline. T= he=20 board have justified this fact with the impossibility to know the exact=20 composition of the persons interested to join the airline. The situation=20 reports an operating losses in the first seven months of this year with=20 more than 10 million of Euro. Recently also a new proposal was received=20 from an american financial company that is ready to inject 10 million of=20 USD. This offer will be valued in the short future with a board meeting=20 planned at the end of this month and at end of September where if in this= =20 date the airline did'nt receive or is able to collect new interests the=20 airline will be put in liquidation. GERMANWINGS with effect Sept. 15th. 2003 will launch a new four weekly=20 rotation from Stuttgart to Rome FCO with A319 on Mo-We-Fr-Su. Venice airport handling agent have also published an operations scheduled= =20 starting Sept. 15th. 2003 from Venice to Berlin Tegel. LIVINGSTON is reported to be returned to lessor at end of September the=20 third recently delivered aircraft now in service only fro Air One. MERIDIANA have active a new help phone number 0789-52899 ready on from 6a= m=20 to 12pm every day. That's all for today, Marco --=======324224C======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-324771AE Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.504 / Virus Database: 302 - Release Date: 24/07/2003 --=======324224C=======--