B727-172C cn 19665 N725AL Delivered to Airlift 10/23/67 Jet Airliner Production List (1992 edition) Leased to several different airlines between but I don't see National listed I couldn't find it listed at Aeromoe's excellent fleet listings (http://www.geocities.com/~aeromoe/fleets/na2.html) However, at http://www.ntsb.gov/ntsb/brief.asp?ev_id=3858&key=0, I did find where the aircraft was involved in an incident and the operator was listed as NA. Now, trivia question. There was the National Airlines based in MIA and the one based in LAS. In between was another National Airlines. Anybody care to guess what the original name of this airline was? Bonus points - what type of aircraft did it operate? David R http://home.attbi.com/~damiross http://home.attbi.com/~damiross/books.html > In a message dated 7/15/2003 2:21:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time, > Floridasky@xxxxxxx writes: > > << I recently acquired a nice 8x10 black and white photograph taken of N725AL > (sn.19665) with Airlift logo and titles and stripe on it. It also is painted > in > National titles the length of the fuselage like it did on National Airlines > aircraft. It was taken at Sarasota. My references do not show a lease to > National. Did Airlift provide sub service for National? >> > > Which National? >