Runner up, though, has to be the TU154M, a 727 on steroids!!! Mike Gammon ----- Original Message ----- From: "RT Simpson" <BraniffIntl@xxxxxxx> To: <AIRLINE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2003 4:56 PM Subject: Three Hole Salute > Have ya checked out the pictorial on B727s in the latest issue of Airliner's > Mag? Great stories and even greater photos. Of all the three holers out > there, the B727 has got to be the best looking! (I know a bunch of you dig the > L-1011, but that damned thing always looked like a flying whale to me!) Glad to > see a photo of an ultra look BN 727 in there, even though the color name > (Perseus Green) was misspelled....but that's okay, I once saw one of their luggage > carts at DFW labeled "Branif"! > > RT Simpson > Phoenix >