--=======336D4FC7======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-76D665B9; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi to all, this is another updating regarding our civil aviation scene AIR EUROPE, 100 are the pilots and flight attendants in surplus due to the= =20 world aviation market crisis, in the next days will be start the procedure= =20 to advise the work force interested in this action about the lay-off. ALITALIA and LUFTHANSA has founded AMS, a new company into the engine=20 maintenance market with a workforce of 450 units. AZZURRA AIR has introduced the new revised web site in the graphic lay-out= =20 at www.azzurraair.it . CATHAY PACIFIC will introduce the fourth weekly flight from Rome to Hong=20 Kong and with effect July 2nd will replace the 243 seater A340/300 with the= =20 381 seater B747/400. LIVINGSTON ENERGY FLIGHT will name the new third aircraft Boavista,=20 internal config is Y220 and between July and September the 70% of the hours= =20 are chartered to Air One. LUFTHANSA, the german carrier has now the 94,2% of the shares of Air=20 Dolomiti in its hands.1975934 shares has been purchased from Alcide Leali=20 at price of 14,68 Euro each. This batch compose the 23,735%of the stake=20 capital in the hands of Alcide Leali in directly from various controlled=20 companies based outside Italy as Compagnie Financi=E8re d'Investissements=20 A=E9riens, Air Investment International e Paneuropean Aviation Holding.= Today=20 is terminated the terms regarding the purchasing public offer launched two= =20 months ago to arrive to the total control of the italian third level=20 airline, just controlled from Lufthansa with up to 54%. In case the amount= =20 of the shares reaches the 98% Lufthansa can be cleared has the option to=20 purchase shares until 100% of the italian airline capital. MERIDIANA has introduced Fly-Pass for the pre check-in and pre seat=20 assignment before three hours from the departure. PULKOVO AIRLINES with a Tu154 links on weekly charter basis Rimini and=20 St.Petersburg from June 22nd. to Oct. 19th. That's all for today, Marco --=======336D4FC7======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-76D665B9 Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.490 / Virus Database: 289 - Release Date: 16/06/2003 --=======336D4FC7=======--