In a message dated 6/9/2003 8:43:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time, damiross2@xxxxxxxxx writes: << First of all, the rich players don't pay a dime to fly - their company does. Second, the 727's are much more comfortable than WN's 737s because they have seats for only 35 to 50 people. Third, the 727 can get into airports that the 737-300 cannot fly into because the 727 can land and takeoff in a shorter distance than the 737-700 and 757. >> I acknowledged that the teams pay for the planes. A 737 with the same seating arrangement would be just as comfortable, especially when you consider that teams often use old 100 series stuff. It is not too hard to get a 757 anymore, now that BA is ditching them and National is out of business (and that is too bad for my second favorite airplane). Additionally, with the loads they are carrying, a 757 can take off from any airport that a team needs to fly into. They were the original replacement to the 727, and much bigger and more efficient too