Is this the one in the Everglades? If I'm not mistaken, it was to have replaced MIA. However, the enviro-nazis wouldn't have that so now it's used for training only. David R > I dont know if it was connected to the SST, but I once heard that the long > strip by Big Cypress Park was supposed to have develop into an Int'l Airport. I > don't know if it would have complemented or substituted MIA. Once trekked in > the park and was lucky to have a Southern Air 747 practice approaches there all > morning right on top of us. > By the way, the gov't in PR is looking for investors to further develop BQN > as an In't Airport. How if we all chip some dough and run our own aiport? ;-) > PS- I hear the derelict Connie there is abvout to get restored. Wish the DH > Herons thrown there could get some TLC too.