I am traveling fron EWR to MNL next week with my wife to meet her family. We bought our tikes from a travel agency that arranged travel on a consolidator fare. I was just reviewing the itenerary and the first segmant is from EWR-DTW on NW does any one kne how early the tciket counters are opening at ewr and long will it take to go through security at EWR 's terminal B. I have noticed that the connection in DTW is too at NW flight to SFO and the connection is only 45 minnutes. Fortnately the EWR-DTW Segment is a DC9 so I hope the flight gets to the gate ahead of schedule. Is a 45 min connection long enough conex for our luggage and use to connect flights. In SFO we have a 2.5 hr lay over to our NRT flight will we have to change terminals or do nw intl flights depart frm the same terminal as NW domestic flights ? Also shuld I get a seperate bag for my film ? Will be going off list while I am away but will file a detailed trip report upon my return Dan For the ghost of Ray EWR-Newark Liberty DTW-Detroit Metro SFO-San Fransiscoco Intl.(Not a bad tv show either) MNL-Manily Aquino Intl Airport NW-Northwest Dan a fan of free parking at my dad's near EWR