Laid-off airline workers get help

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Laid-off airline workers get help

ST. LOUIS (AP) =97 Troy Vuillemot was laid off in January after 18 years=
TWA and American Airlines. With the help of a grant to complete his=20
bachelor's degree in architecture, he's off to a new start. "This (grant)=20
has been a dream come true," said Vuillemot, who graduates Friday from=20
Washington University. "..... I'm looking forward to hitting the job=20
market." Vuillemot has some advice for the 4,080 Missouri-based airline=20
workers who have been laid off since Sept. 11, 2001. Consider other=20
professions, research those industries and find a support network. "I've=20
learned that I can't live in the past, and I have to remind myself that for=
every door that closes, another opens," he said. The Missouri Career=20
Centers will be offering similar advice to thousands of laid-off airline=20
workers who will seek job counseling and retraining in coming months. The=20
centers will use a grant of $2.1 million awarded to the Missouri Division=20
of Workforce Development by the Labor Department. It's aimed specifically=20
at helping displaced airline employees find new jobs and careers, said=20
Debra Minish, the division's rapid-response coordinator.
And the agency has asked the Labor Department for another $1.3 million,=20
based on the large number of airline layoffs statewide, Minish said.

More than 90 percent worked for Fort Worth, Texas-based American, which=20
became Missouri's largest airline employer after it bought bankrupt Trans=20
World Airlines in 2001. American recently notified the state that it plans=
to lay off 1,897 people, including all former TWA flight attendants,=20
beginning in June, said Tom Jones, executive director of the St. Louis=20
Agency on Training and Employment. Former TWA workers lost their seniority=
when American's unions began representing them. The workers will need the=20
centers' help. Neither American nor the unions offer job-placement or=20
training assistance to laid-off workers beyond referrals. Labor contract=20
changes that took effect May 1 at American will put pressure on many=20
laid-off workers to find other jobs soon. Under the new contracts, designed=
to save American $1.6 billion a year, many laid-off workers will get less=20
severance and fewer benefits than colleagues who lost jobs earlier. Flight=
attendants won't get any severance. Attendants who were laid off before got=
up to two months' salary, pay for accumulated sick time, vacation pay and=20
three months of paid medical coverage, said Tim Kirkwood, 49, an attendant=
who recently got a furlough notice. So when hundreds of flight attendants=20
are laid off on July 1, the only source of income for many will be a weekly=
$250 unemployment benefit, which is taxable.
"I think a lot of us are still in denial," Kirkwood said.

Counselors at the Missouri Career Centers hope they can place many of the=20
flight attendants, mechanics and ground workers with companies around the=20
state because their skills are transferable, Jones said. Many airline=20
workers who have sought help from the centers are considering career=20
changes, Jones said. Counselors help them with resume writing and=20
interviewing and in identifying other careers. Jones said some airline=20
workers may qualify for grants to finish college, obtain a professional or=
trade license or an advanced degree. He said some furloughed pilots have=20
received grants to learn to fly other types of planes. To get the funding,=
they had to show proof that a job is waiting. But most Missouri-based=20
airline workers who apply for an education grant simply need to be enrolled=
in a certified training program that could help them get a job in a stable=
or growth occupation, he said.

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