The plane is not that sexy. I really don't know why everyone loves that thing so much. So it flies .90 at FL280 in cargo or .85 with PAX. Yes that is cool, but the thing also burns twice as much gas as the 738, and about 2 L/Km more than the 752. Hell, the thing gets worse mileage than the 767 series. Also, the worst, most uncomfrotable flights I have ever taken have been on 727s. One in particular, LAX-JNU over SEA on Delta absolutely sucked. I really beg to differ on the looks. Nothing touches a 747, especially the 744. The L-1011 also is a really classy design. The 757, with the slender curves is awesome as well. And lets us not forget the badass dart, Concorde. All of these planes trump the 727 on so many things, including looks.