Of course LH's 'charter' brand Condor ordered several 753s. When turn-around and load times don't count, the 753 seems to have everything right about it. Matthew On Wednesday, May 7, 2003, at 01:43 AM, Alireza Alivandivafa wrote: > One More before bed... > So, why did LH never order 753s? I understand the 752s, because > Boeing > does not make an ER and the A321 offers better commonality with LH's > fleet > and better mileage (with less range and performance). The 753s, > however, are > the ideal replacement for the A300, as they are increadibly efficient, > have > sufficient range, and are REALLY safe. In fact, the 757 has one of > the best > crash records this side of the L1011. > I don't know why people are so down on the 757. Sure they are > long, but > they have the same config as any other single aisle, so that should > not make > a real difference. Also, the damn things are far smoother than 737s or > A320s, as well as 767s and A330s. Also, I noticed that they are more > comfortable than a lot of jets. In the Summer of 2001, I flew to > Europe with > US. I flew LAX-PHL-FRA and back with A321 LAX-PHL, A333 > Transatlantic, and > 757 PHL-LAX. I found the 757 to be the most comfortable, with the most > legroom, even though it was the oldest of the planes. The one thing I > did > like about the A333 was the entertainment in Economy. I wish LH, my > favorite > long-haul carrier, would put seatback entertainment in economy, that > would > make it perfect >