NYTimes.com Article: Furious, American's Unions Talk of New Votes

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Furious, American's Unions Talk of New Votes

April 22, 2003

Still fuming over the failure of American Airlines to
inform them of its compensation plans for senior
management, all three of the company's major unions said
yesterday that they would vote again or were considering
voting again on $1.62 billion in annual concessions that
their members had approved last week.

But Donald J. Carty, chief executive of the AMR
Corporation, the parent of American, said that the airline
had already begun to carry out some of those cost cuts and
would continue to do so. He also apologized for not
disclosing the compensation packages more quickly,
nevertheless he defended them as justified.

Just last Wednesday, the airline was pounding its chest
over winning huge labor concessions that it said were
needed to avoid filing for bankruptcy protection. Unions
for the pilots and the ground workers approved measures
last Tuesday to give the company $660 million and $620
million respectively in annual savings. The flight
attendants' union said that day that its members had
rejected $340 million in cuts by 51 percent. But it agreed
to extend the voting by one day, and on Wednesday it
announced that members had approved the deal by 52 percent.

The next morning, workers became infuriated after reading
newspaper reports that American's board had decided to give
seven top executives cash bonuses in 2004 and 2005 equal to
up to twice their base annual salary if they stayed with
the company until January 2005. Workers also learned that
American had started putting money into a trust fund set up
to protect the pension benefits of 45 executives from
creditors in the event of a bankruptcy-protection filing.
These executive benefits were disclosed in a filing with
the Securities and Exchange Commission made by AMR on
Tuesday night, after voting had ended at two unions and
almost ended at the third one.

Mr. Carty said yesterday that a payment of $41 million,
with $16 million of that going to federal taxes, had been
put into the executive pension fund last October.

On Friday, the day after the unions learned of the
executive compensation plans, Mr. Carty said he would get
rid of the so-called retention bonuses for the seven
executives, though he added that the company would not
withdraw its executive pension payment. That announcement
was clearly an attempt to appease the workers, but it did
little to douse the flames. John Ward, president of the
Association of Professional Flight Attendants, said that
night that his members would vote again on their share of
the concessions. The Transport Workers Union said the same
thing yesterday.

"The only way to assure credibility is to allow a full
revote with the full membership knowledge of all relevant
company actions," James C. Little, director of the Air
Transport Division of the T.W.U., said in a message to
workers posted on the union's Web site.

Sam Mayer, a member of the board of the Allied Pilots
Association, said in a message to workers that the board of
that union was discussing holding another membership vote
on concessions if the other two unions went ahead and did
so. "We are ruling nothing out at this time," he said.

None of the unions gave further details on the timing of
the new vote processes.

It would be an understatement to say that all this comes as
stunningly bad news for American. The airline has lost $5.2
billion over the last two years and is expected to announce
another significant first-quarter loss tomorrow.

Mr. Carty, though, only appeared half-contrite yesterday
during an evening news conference. He said his mistake in
not earlier disclosing the executive compensation packages
was a "big one."

But he also said those packages were perfectly justified,
because the board wanted to keep executives from being
lured away to work at other companies.

"Throughout all this, I should say, the AMR board operated
well within the standards of all corporate guidelines" to
"address a very retention issue," he said.

But many critics of executive pay do not accept such
justifications for giving retention bonuses and setting up
protected executive-pension trusts.

First, retention bonuses are given to executives just for
staying in a job and not for how they or the company
actually perform, critics say. Such bonuses also assume the
executives should be kept around, they say, and American's
dismal financial performance, especially as the world's
largest airline, suggests that perhaps the wrong people are
running the company.

Second, the critics say, executives' annual compensation
packages are already so much higher than the pay of average
workers that troubled companies should not take extra
measures to protect those parts of executive pension
benefits that are not already federally guaranteed.
American's $41 million payment last October to the trust
fund also indicated that executives were not willing to
make the sacrifices they were demanding of their workers,
they added.

The other question critics are asking is: Why did American
delay its annual filing with the S.E.C., which outlined the
compensation, until Tuesday night? The most cynical workers
say American was withholding the information so as not to
jeopardize the votes. Whether one buys that argument,
everyone, including Mr. Carty, agrees that the timing was

Mr. Carty said yesterday that the company had kept putting
off the filing because it was in the middle of labor
negotiations and circumstances were changing by the day. He
said he believed that delaying the filing would give it a
greater chance of getting what is known as an unqualified
opinion from its auditor, Ernst & Young.

That means the auditor had approved the filing with no

"These guys paid their money and took their chances," said
Brian Foley, an executive-pay consultant based in White
Plains. "They have no one to blame but themselves."

Several experts in labor law said yesterday that the unions
had proper legal grounds to redo the votes.

For one thing, none of the union presidents have actually
signed off on the concessions, an action needed to make the
contracts binding, said Charles B. Craver, a professor of
labor law at George Washington University. Holding a broad
membership vote is an arrangement that is relevant to the
internal operations of a union, but not to the actual legal
procedure required for sealing a contract, he said. The
unions also have enough grounds to accuse management of
bargaining in bad faith, Professor Craver said.

David L. Gregory, a professor of labor law at St. John's
University, said that the flight attendants' union could
also redo their vote on the grounds that management was
unduly interfering with the election process. That is
because management put pressure on the vote's timing, then
asked union leaders to extend the voting in hopes the
concessions would be ratified, he said.

He added that the constant warnings of bankruptcy from
management could also count as undue interference.

Yesterday, Mr. Carty reiterated those warnings of what
would happen in a bankruptcy filing. "The consequence for
our employees," he said, "is really pretty ugly."


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