Search of all vehicles at BWI prompted by threat, authorities say LINTHICUM, Md. (AP) =97 Authorities searched every vehicle entering=20 Baltimore-Washington International Airport earlier this week because they=20 had received a specific threat, officials said. Gary McLhinney, chief of=20 the Maryland Transportation Authority Police, declined to disclose the=20 exact nature of the threat, but said the response on Tuesday night was=20 appropriate. After two hours of searching every vehicle, authorities=20 resumed random searches, as they have been doing for more than a month. "Information we had received caused us to change for a period of time how=20 we were conducting our security checks," McLhinney said. "After consulting= =20 with all our partners in the law enforcement community, this was the course= =20 of action we thought was appropriate." The federal Transportation Security= =20 Administration had said Tuesday that there was no specific reason for the=20 heightened security. On Wednesday, a TSA spokesman declined to comment.=20 Authorities say they will be unpredictable in the actions they take to=20 thwart potential terrorists =97 even if it means inconveniencing travelers.= =20 "Any decision I make at the airport will be based on my responsibility as=20 chief of police," McLhinney said, adding that people getting to the airport= =20 were delayed 15 to 20 minutes Tuesday night. *************************************************** The owner of Roger's Trinbago Site/ Roj (Roger James) escape email mailto:ejames@xxxxxxxxx Trinbago site: Carib Brass Ctn site Steel Expressions Site of the Week: TnT Webdirectory: *********************************************************