Fears grow that mystery illness is spread by air travel

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Fears grow that mystery illness is spread by air travel

HONG KONG (AP) =97 Adding to fears that a deadly flu-like illness is being=
spread by air travelers, Hong Kong officials said Tuesday nine tourists=20
apparently came down with the deadly disease after another passenger=20
infected them on a flight to Beijing. The World Health Organization=20
insisted air travel is safe but said its scientists are investigating each=
case to make sure the disease is not spread through ventilation. In recent=
weeks severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, has spread beyond=20
hospitals, where dozens of health care workers became infected, into at=20
least one workplace, to air travelers and some schools have been closed as=
a precaution. Hong Kong officials said the nine tourists became sick after=
a mainland Chinese man with SARS infected them on a March 15 Air China=20
flight to Beijing. If SARS can be more easily spread through the air =97=20
rather than by close contact with infected people who cough or sneeze =97 it=
could force travel and other restrictions to contain the disease.
"We would want to be sure that it was people sitting next to that person=20
and not the ventilation system in the airplane which was spreading the=20
disease," said Dr. David Heymann, head of communicable diseases at WHO. "We=
have no evidence of the latter right now."

For one thing, he said, health investigators have followed thousands of=20
passengers who flew with SARS-infected travelers and did not become sick.=20
However, he said that if they find there are cases that did not involve=20
close contact with someone sick or at high risk, "we will then be very=20
concerned that this might have become airborne." The airplane cases seem=20
similar to how the disease got its start here =97 from one hotel guest who=
spread it to six strangers staying on the same floor. One expert theorized=
it might have spread through the air-conditioning system. From the Hong=20
Kong hotel, the exposed tourists took the disease to Singapore, Vietnam and=
Canada. The disease has spread most rapidly through Asian hospitals, some=20
of which lacked the surgical masks and goggles needed to prevent catching=20
the disease from patients. WHO has been distributing such equipment.
The U.S. State Department has warned citizens not to travel to Vietnam=20
because it lacks medical facilities to deal with the disease. In Hong Kong,=
SARS has spread to 10 hospitals, and the chief executive of Hong Kong's=20
Hospital Authority is hospitalized with SARS-like symptoms.

Hong Kong reported 26 new cases Tuesday, bringing its total to 286 =97 more=
than half the worldwide total of 487. Ten of the world's 17 SARS deaths=20
since Feb. 1 have been in Hong Kong. In the United States, 39 people have=20
the disease, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said=20
32 of those had traveled to Asia. The others were health-care workers or=20
family members of infected patients. In Canada Tuesday, health officials=20
quarantined about two dozen people considered possible carriers and=20
announced the number of probable cases in Ontario jumped to 18 from 10.=20
Three Canadians have already dies from the disease. In Singapore, that=20
government has ordered 740 people who may have been exposed to the illness=
to stay home for 10 days or risk stiff fines. Meanwhile, a WHO team is in=20
mainland China trying to figure out if the atypical pneumonia that sickened=
more than 300 and killed five in Guangdong province is the same disease.=20
Officials with WHO and the CDC said Monday that SARS may be caused by a new=
form of the coronavirus, one of a few viruses that can cause the common=

The coronavirus had been found in SARS patient specimens by scientists at=20
Hong Kong University and by the CDC. But more research confirming that is=20
being pursued. There is no government-approved treatment for the common=20
cold or SARS, but CDC head Dr. Julie Gerberding said the Defense Department=
is testing the virus against all known antiviral drugs. There has been=20
progress with antivirals against other respiratory viruses and some of=20
those drugs have been effective in studies against some coronaviruses, she=
said. However, WHO virologist Dr. Klaus Stohr, who is working with the=20
agency's network of 11 global  labs, said researchers in some labs continue=
to find signs of another germ family, the paramyxovirus. "We are a bit=20
puzzled because we are not only dealing apparently with one pathogen but=20
with two. The reason why we believe that both pathogens should be given=20
equal attention is that there is consistent finding of both pathogens in=20
individual patients or of either of the pathogens in other patients," he=20
said. "What we are seeing actually are three hypotheses."

SARS might be caused by one of those two viruses or "these two pathogens=20
have to come together to cause this very severe outbreak." The latter=20
theory is that the coronavirus =97 which Stohr said lives in immune cells=20
that fight off disease =97 destroys or weakens the immunity in the patient=
the second virus "has practically an open door to go in and to sicken the=20
patient beyond what this virus would be able to do normally. "But more=20
research is being done to verify that."

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Roj (Roger James)

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