Continental says 4 more senior officers retire = = = = Wednesday March 19, 5:52 PM EST = HOUSTON, March 19 (Reuters) - Continental Airlines Inc. (CAL), the No. 5 = U.S. carrier, on Wednesday announced the pending retirement of four senio= r executive officers. The carrier said the retirees include: George Mason, senior vice presiden= t of technical operations; Bonnie Reitz, senior vice president of sales a= nd distribution; Barry Simon, senior vice president-international, and Ku= niaki Tsuruta, senior vice president of purchasing and material services.= The retirements take effect on March 25, Continental said. Continental, which is based in Houston, said these departures, together w= ith the retirement announced Tuesday of Chief Operating Officer C.D. McLe= an, have resulted in a more than 25 percent thinning of the airline's exe= cutive ranks. Continental said its board on Wednesday elected President L= arry Kellner to replace McLean as COO. The airline announced other executive level changes. Jeff Smisek, previou= sly executive vice president-corporate and secretary, is now executive vi= ce president, with new responsibilities concerning development and allian= ces. He and Jeff Misner, senior vice president and chief financial office= r, will report to Chief Executive Gordon Bethune. = =A92003 Reuters Limited. = Roger EWROPS