Minneapolis tops Detroit in Northwest Airlines flights

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Minneapolis tops Detroit in Northwest Airlines flights

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) =97 More planes took off and landed at Minneapolis-St. Paul=
International Airport last year than at the newly expanded Detroit airport,=
but Detroit Metropolitan Airport still held the lead in total passengers. A=
new report from Metropolitan Airports Commission compared the two airports.=
The annual report is significant because Northwest Airlines uses both=20
airports as major hubs, and some MAC members and legislators have worried=20
about potential shifts of flights and jobs from MSP to=20
Detroit.  Eagan-based Northwest built the new Midfield terminal in Detroit=
and has said it would take advantage of that metropolitan area's larger=20
population base and Eastern time zone to augment its flight schedule. The=20
Detroit metro area has about 4.5 million people, compared with about 3=20
million in the Twin Cities area. Northwest's expansion in Detroit increased=
the airport's gates to 147, compared with 120 at MSP. Detroit also offers=20
more parking spaces =97 24,500 to 21,100 at MSP.
But in 2002, MSP reported 507,669 takeoffs and landings, up 1.2 percent=20
from a year earlier, while Detroit reported 487,875, a decline of 6.5=20
percent. Northwest operations declined 0.8 percent at MSP and 3.4 percent=20
in Detroit. Both airports' figures were significantly lower than their=20
totals in 2000.

Nigel Finney, the MAC's deputy executive director, said the comparison=20
relies on a projection of Detroit's activity based on the first half of=20
2002 because year-end figures were not available.As for nonstop flights,=20
MSP offered service to 119 destinations =97 sixth-highest in the country =97=
compared with 113 in Detroit, which ranked eighth, according to the MAC=20
report. MSP led in domestic nonstop markets =97 104 to 95, while Detroit had=
the edge in nonstop international destinations =97 18 to 15.Northwest opened=
its new Detroit terminal in February 2002. A year earlier, top airline=20
officials had said that the expanded quarters could enable Northwest to=20
significantly expand its international connecting flights, perhaps shifting=
some from the Twin Cities. They also had said that Northwest's growth in=20
the Twin Cities could be slower after Detroit's opening. Northwest=20
spokeswoman Mary Stanik said Thursday that the airline "remains committed=20
to growing traffic and demand" at both its Detroit and Twin Cities hubs and=
that its schedules at each airport are adjusted according to consumer=

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