In a message dated 2/10/03 8:52:32 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: > If they were trying to funnel pax from Columbus to Phoenix/Las Vegas > and points beyond (possibly strategy as CMH was heavily RJ oriented), > then the fact that all of the competitors were flying 737-800s, > A319/320s on a point to point or hubbing through DFW/ORD/STL/ATl quite > comfortably wouldn't bode well. > > Good call sticking to core competencies in the west coast. Actually HP was attempting more of an east coast presence with Columbus and sought to bring traffic from PHX & LAS thru CMH on their way to the right coast. When Columbus was chosen a mini hub, Cactus was in BK Chap 11. One of their lenders was Banc One - based at that time in Columbus and eager to put that sleepy town on the map with a national carrier. So as far as CMH being in the heartland of the country and a good place for a hub...methinks not. (Perhaps a good place for Bill Franke to return a favor!) Anyway, with A319/320s & B757s Cactus can profitably go to the east coast non-stop from their western hubs in PHX & LAS. RT Simpson Phoenix RT Simpson Phoenix > >