This is an e-mail I received from a flight school that I get e-mails. Looks like there is an ADIZ associated with the Temporary Flight Restriction area around DC. This will kill a lot of general aviation traffic in the area. BAHA ACUNER - CFI,CFII,MEI As you are probably aware, at 6:00 AM local tomorrow morning new security restrictions go into effect until further notice. These restrictions are in response to the increased terrorism threat level and will hopefully be rescinded when the threat level decreases. While the FAA has issued several NOTAMs concerning these restrictions, the NOTAM that specifically affects our operations is NOTAM 3/1106. After reading the NOTAMs, I talked to our tower and the Leesburg FSS to get clarification on operational issues. Both agencies emphasized that this is a rapidly changing situation that will iron itself out in the first several days. The remainder of this note will give you a good outline of the procedures required to fly in and out of HEF and the surrounding area. The first thing to do is review the newly created Washington Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). The lateral limits of the ADIZ is roughly the same as the Class B with extensions to the north and south 30 NM from DCA. The ADIZ goes from the surface to 18,000 ft MSL. Manassas is inside the ADIZ while Warrenton and Culpepper lie outside of it. You can view the airspace on AOPA's website at The prohibitions on flying in the old TFR, now called the SFAR 94 airspace, still exist. IFR operations in the ADIZ are no different than before except that you must file your flight plan only with the Leesburg FSS for entry to or departure from the ADIZ. Practice Instrument approaches inside the ADIZ will likely be discouraged through most of the day. The most significant changes are to VFR operations. Here is a step by step guide to help out. 1. File a VFR flight plan with the Leesburg FSS at least 30 to 40 minutes prior to your proposed departure time. Do not use DUATS to file these special flight plans. The NOTAM says that filing in the air will be permitted, but the specialist at Leesburg said that they are relooking that, so for now I don't recommend relying on air-filing. He also said they are still discussing whether the fast-file feature of the automated menu options will be usable for these flight plans. Recommend filing prior to leaving for the airfield. Expect delays in getting through to Leesburg due to saturation. 23 airfields are affected by this. They ask that you do not file more that 2 hours prior to your flight as it ties up one of a limited number of transponder codes. If your flight remains within the ADIZ it may be conducted on one flight plan. If you exit the ADIZ and plan to re-enter i.e. practice area and return, you must have another flight plan. For this I recommend filng 2 plans prior to your departure. 2. Get your transponder code and put it in your transponder when you call ground for taxi instructions. If it is after tower hours, call Potomac Clearance Delivery on 120.20 for your code. If you are at Warrenton or Culpepper, contact Potomac Clearance Delivery by tuning to 135.075, click your PTT button 5 times SLOWLY and wait for the connection to dial Potomac through the telephone. At other airports, either talk to a local pilot or the FSS about how to pick up a clearance. 3. Prior to takeoff insure your transponder is in the ALT mode with an assigned code (not 1200). 4. Stay in radio contact with the tower until they hand you off to Potomac Approach. Contact Potomac Approach as soon as possible after being handed off. Their frequency in this area is 124.65. If you are staying in the pattern, just stay with the tower. If departing the area, maintain radio contact with the appropriate ATC facility at least until clear of the ADIZ. If returning to this area, contact Potomac Approach well prior to entering the ADIZ to get your transponder code and establish radar contact. If you believe you will be delayed into the time the next pilot has the plane reserved, call the desk on 134.275. Keep in mind that these are special procedures for operations in the ADIZ, if you intend to operate in the Class B you must still get that clearance from the Potomac Approach Controller. 5. Close your VFR flight plan. While these procedures mirror IFR operations where the flight plans are closed automatically after landing, VFR flight plans must be closed by the pilots. These may only be closed when on the ground or outside the ADIZ. What to expect: Longer waits to talk to a pre-flight briefer. Longer waits for departure at the end of the runway. More ATC frequency congestion. Possible delays to re-enter the ADIZ for return to HEF. Frequent changes to these procedures as everyone gets the bugs worked out.