Lufthansa offers Web access in the air ON BOARD A BOEING 747 ABOVE CANADA(Reuters) =97 Procrastinators, take note:= =20 You don't need to scramble to make hotel reservations before you travel=20 anymore. Make them from the comfort of your airline seat =97 40,000 feet=20 above the ground. German airline Lufthansa Wednesday became the first commercial carrier in=20 the world to offer broadband Internet access on its flights, letting=20 passengers surf the web in between bites of airline food. Passengers on LH= =20 Flight 418 from Frankfurt to Washington, D.C., checked their email,=20 navigated the Net, and logged into their company servers and intranets =97= =20 all free of charge. Free for now, anyway. Lufthansa is testing the=20 technology on its Frankfurt to Washington route until mid-April at no cost= =20 to passengers. The airline is in talks with Boeing Co. subsidiary=20 Connexion, which provides the service and arranges the satellite=20 connection, to equip all 80 of its long-haul planes with the technology by= =20 2004. "We have to find out whether the market is taking it," Lufthansa=20 Deputy Chief Executive Wolfgang Mayrhuber told reporters, saying that was=20 why the airline wanted a test phase. He said Lufthansa did not aim to make= =20 money from the deal, which will likely cost passengers 30 euros ($31.75)=20 per flight. "It's not a business for us. We're not a telecoms company," he= =20 said. But the service could help fill seats. *************************************************** The owner of Roger's Trinbago Site/ Roj (Roger James) escape email Trinbago site: Carib Brass Ctn site Steel Expressions Site of the Week: TnT Webdirectory: *********************************************************