SF Gate: U.S. jets easy target for shoulder-fired missiles/Kenya attack highlights how terrorists might down plane here

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Saturday, November 30, 2002 (SF Chronicle)
U.S. jets easy target for shoulder-fired missiles/Kenya attack highlights h=
ow terrorists might down plane here
Paul J. Caffera, Special to The Chronicle

   On the afternoon of Nov. 5, representatives of the Office of Homeland
Security, President Bush's secretary of transportation, Norman Mineta, and
other senior officials were brought together with 25 airline CEOs in a
secret meeting convened by the Transportation Security Administration.
   Gathered in a secure conference room in the Department of Transportation
in Washington, they heard evidence of the growing and intractable threat
that shoulder-fired, infrared-homing missiles pose to crowded commercial
jets taking off and landing at U.S. airports.
   The meeting was prompted in part by a CIA warning that terrorist groups
   in recent months, smuggled shoulder-fired missiles into the United State=
The revelations were ominous for the millions of Americans who fly each
year --
   more so in the wake of the almost successful missile strike on an Israeli
charter jet in Kenya on Thursday.
   In the view of aviation security experts, every commercial flight is
susceptible to a similar attack by terrorists armed with launchers that
are small, relatively easy to obtain -- and more accurate than the aging
Russian missiles used this week.
   So far, neither the government nor the airline industry has been able to
do much to mitigate the danger of what the head of one security firm
describes as "aviation's dirty little secret."
   "(If a) dedicated person wanted to shoot down a plane, there's nothing to
stop them," said Todd Curtis, the creator of AirSafe.com and a former Air
Force officer and Boeing safety analyst.
   Well before Thursday and before the recent CIA warning, intelligence and
security officials have known of the danger posed by these missiles. The
alarms had begun to sound louder after the discovery of al Qaeda training
videos instructing terrorists how to fire the portable anti-aircraft
missiles, and the capture of thousands of such missiles in al Qaeda camps
in Afghanistan.
   In a detailed bulletin issued to state and local police agencies on May
22, the FBI warned that al Qaeda might be planning to use shoulder-fired
missiles - - formally called MANPADS, for man-portable air defense systems
-- against commercial aircraft within the United States.
   "Given al Qaeda's demonstrated objective to target the U.S. airline
industry, its access to U.S. and Russian made MANPAD systems and recent
apparent targeting of U.S.-led military forces in Saudi Arabia," the
bulletin stated, "law enforcement agencies in the United States should
remain alert to potential use of MANPADS against U.S. aircraft."
   The FBI's concern is well-founded. Shoulder-fired missiles have already
been used to shoot down commercial aircraft outside the United States, and
the respected Jane's Intelligence Review reported last year that the
missiles are now in the hands of up to 27 terrorist groups. Reports from
the CIA, State Department and other government agencies show that
shoulder-fired missiles have already hit at least 42 civil aircraft since
the 1970s, killing over 900 air travelers.
   Such attacks on civil aircraft have been launched from land and from
water, upon takeoff and landing, and at altitudes reaching to 11,000 feet.
While most of these attacks have occurred outside North America proper,
the weapons have been used in Central America. The prospect of a
shoulder-launched missile attack was a major concern of the Federal
Aviation Administration during the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta.
   Simple to launch, such weapons "are a serious threat, (and) not enough is
being done to deal with it," said retired Adm. Thomas Moorer, who served
as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for President Ronald Reagan.
   Introduced during the Vietnam War, shoulder-fired missiles first gained
widespread fame in the Soviet Union's conflict in Afghanistan, where U.S.-
supplied Stingers are credited with turning the tide against the Soviets.
Of the more than 900 Stingers supplied to the Afghan rebels, many were
never fired and remained available for use or trade.
   Dozens of other countries have produced hundreds of thousands of shoulde=
fired missiles, many of them finding their their way to the international
black market. Despite Afghanistan's status as a pariah nation in the years
leading up to the U.S. air war, the Taliban and al Qaeda were able to
secure immense quantities of these deadly weapons systems. Last August, a
Pentagon spokesman said U.S. forces in Afghanistan had captured 5,592
shoulder-fired missiles during operations to destroy al Qaeda bases there.
   Even when they're sold to legitimate governments for self-defense, there
is no guarantee that such missiles will remain secure. In 1998, soldiers
in the former Soviet republic of Georgia staged an uprising and seized a
cache of the shoulder-launched missiles. Likewise, Chechen rebels obtained
their initial supply of shoulder-fired missiles by overrunning Russian
arsenals, and have used them to shoot down Russian helicopters.
   Regardless of their source, shoulder-fired missiles are small enough to
easily smuggle into any country, including the United States, and they're
available on the black market for under $100,000 each, well within reach
of deep-pocketed terrorist groups like al Qaeda.
   Neither are U.S. stockpiles completely safe. After completing an
inspection of U.S. military storage depots, the General Accounting Office
concluded that inventory control of domestic shoulder-fired missile
stockpiles has been so poor that the military could not account for
hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of its portable missiles. One Army
official quoted by the GAO said that it would be "pure luck" if none of
the missiles were lost.
   While Thursday's incident may have woken up both the government and the
airline industry to the threat, experts have long felt frustrated in their
attempts to sound the alarm. During a classified briefing at the annual
Aircraft Survivability conference in Monterey in 1999, a Federal Aviation
Official described the difficulty in getting airlines to address the
threat of shoulder-fired missiles.
   A subsequent report from the National Defense Industrial Association,
which sponsored the conference, noted that "since there have been no
confirmed incidents in the U.S., it is difficult to convince aircraft
manufacturers and airline companies of the potential cost benefits to
making the aircraft less susceptible and less vulnerable to MANPADS. . .
   Shoulder-fired missiles are self-contained weapons systems. Typically 5
feet long and weighing less than 35 pounds, they are easily concealed in
shipping containers, aboard a small boat, even in the trunk of a car.
   Traveling at more than 1,500 miles per hour, a typical shoulder-launched
missile can destroy an aircraft from up to four miles away. The latest
generation of such weapons can travel 15,000 feet or higher. Under
existing FAA flight rules, aircraft approaching U.S. airports are within
range of a shoulder-launched missile attack once they get within 40 to 50
miles of the runway. Put in simpler terms, jets are most vulnerable to
attack right about the time flight attendants instruct passengers to turn
off their electronic devices.
   Unlike some of the other threats that emerged with the Sept. 11 attacks,
the government has known about the threat posed by shoulder-fired missiles
since at least 1973, when Palestinian terrorists armed with such missiles
were arrested in Rome as they waited to shoot down a jet. The first
successful use of these weapons to "kill" a commercial aircraft outside a
war zone came in 1978, in the skies over Chad. Since then, many government
agencies have grown increasingly alarmed by the threat that shoulder-fired
missiles pose. The FAA's annual Criminal Acts Against Civil Aviation
report contains a section that tracks missile attacks.
   Asked to describe the likelihood of a shoulder-fired missile attack
against commercial aircraft within the continental United States, one
official within the intelligence community, said the only question is
when. "Some of us are surprised that it hasn't already happened."
   Because of their increased threat, the Air Force is starting to replace
its standard missile-detection and defense systems with so-called "large
aircraft infrared countermeasures" -- LAIRCMs -- that use laser jammers to
disorient an attacking infrared-homing missile. But most civilian aircraft
lack such systems. There are two exceptions: Israel's El Al Airlines, and
some of the private jets owned by corporations and wealthy individuals.
   Even though small commercial aircraft are more likely to go down in a
shoulder-fired missile attack, two of the passenger jets most familiar to
Americans have proven surprisingly vulnerable. Of the five Boeing 727s and
737s hit by shoulder-launched missiles, three have been shot down, with
130 people dying in the one struck just after takeoff in Angola. The
Israeli charter jet in Kenya that narrowly avoided destruction by two
missiles -- thought to be 35-year-old, somewhat inaccurate Strela -- was a
Boeing 757.
   "This is not only an Israeli problem," said Avi Pazner, a government
spokesman. "What can be done against an Israeli aircraft, can easily be
done against a European or American one."
   Despite the warnings, few improvements have been made to commercial
aircraft design or flight operations to reduce the threat. While the
president and other officials travel on aircraft equipped with
countermeasures systems that protect them against a missile attack, most
Americans do not.
   "The threats are real and the countermeasures exist," said a retired
government anti-terrorism expert, speaking on condition of anonymity.
"Some of us are perplexed as to why a greater sense of urgency hasn't been
demonstrated in securing our airspace."
   Said Daniel Benjamin, the former director for counterterrorism for
President Bill Clinton's National Security Council: "No shortage of
studies have been done, and up till now, the industry has been unwilling
to consider paying for the defensive measures.
   "In the post-9/11 environment, with Washington dictating more in the way
of security improvements," Benjamin added, "there needs to be another look
at the issue. With many airlines facing huge financial problems and some
staring at insolvency, the problem of paying for the improvements -- which
is considerable -- is not going away."
   Over the years, the military has developed a number of techniques for
deflecting shoulder-fired missiles from its aircraft. One is for
low-flying aircraft to disperse red-hot flares designed to attract the
missile's attention to the heat and light. Unfortunately, newer
shoulder-fired missiles are able to distinguish an aircraft from a flare.
   The military has also experimented with using "obscurants," fine metallic
or chemical particles dispersed from an aircraft to prevent a missile from
locking on, and the Pentagon is investigating the feasibility of having an
aircraft tow infrared decoys behind it.
   The military has also used "thermal management" -- suppressing the amount
of emitted infrared radiation and thereby presenting a smaller infrared
"signature" -- to reduce the likelihood that the infrared seeker will lock
on to its intended victim.
   Unfortunately, these techniques are not practical for commercial aircraf=
One could imagine the outcry from people whose businesses or homes lie in
airport approach and departure corridors from dozens of flares being
dropped daily upon takeoff and landing. Thermal management is also of
minimal use: in contrast to military aircraft, designed from the beginning
to present small infrared signatures, commercial aircraft have huge
"signatures." Additionally, modern shoulder-fired missiles are programmed
with sophisticated guidance systems that nullify aircraft designers'
attempts to guide infrared-homing missiles to less deadly impact points.
   Because of the threat posed to its large aircraft, the ones most similar
to commercial jets, the Air Force is embarking on an ambitious plan to
install LAIRCMs on its transport planes. Standard countermeasures systems
combine a missile-launch detector, a warning system and flash lamps to
confuse an attacking missile. For a cost of just over $3 million for each
of the first 20 aircraft to receive the system, the Air Force is obtaining
the best available protection.
   Such countermeasures would add just 1.5 percent to the cost of a $200
million Boeing 747-400, or 5 percent to the cost of a $60 million Boeing
737. On the negative side for airlines, the cost of properly maintaining
this system is high, which would put a strain on the already-struggling
carriers. Additionally, it is unlikely that the military would support
such wide distribution of this sensitive technology.
   An alternative to installing countermeasures systems on every aircraft is
to protect the airspace above airports and in airport approach and
departure routes. The Air Force has recently developed a plan to do just
   Known as escort-directed infrared countermeasures, or E-DIRCM, this
proposal would use "buddy" aircraft equipped with the latest
countermeasures technology to rendezvous with airliners as they approach
airports and then escort them to the ground; similarly, departing aircraft
would be escorted until they reached an altitude out of range of portable
missiles. Should a terrorist unleash a missile attack, the escort aircraft
would detect the launch and use its laser jammers to disable the attacking
missile or missiles.
   On the negative side, E-DIRCM would require an enormous number of
government-operated buddy aircraft, greatly increase airport noise and
congestion, strain an already burdened air-traffic control system, and
significantly increase the likelihood of midair collisions in the areas
surrounding airports.
   Still, The question remains: Will corrective action be taken before
flights are shot down, or will it happen only after American air travelers
die in a missile attack?
   Paul J. Caffera is an investigative reporter and writer based in
Rochester, N.Y. A longer version of this article was first published on
Copyright 2002 SF Chronicle

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