Northwest pilots raise concern about alliance MINNEAPOLIS (AP) =97 The union representing Northwest Airlines' 6,000 pilots= =20 is concerned that the carrier's proposed alliance with Delta and=20 Continental could hurt job security, income and work rules. "We want to=20 make sure there won't be a decrease in flying by our pilots," Air Line=20 Pilots Association spokesman Will Holman told the St. Paul Pioneer Press in= =20 Wednesday's edition, adding that the union had the authority to veto the=20 alliance. "We want to help the company. But we also want to protect our=20 pilots," Holman said. Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of=20 Transportation delayed for the third time its decision about the proposed=20 code-sharing alliance, pushing the deadline for a ruling back to late=20 December. The alliance would allow each partner to act as an extension of=20 the other members' networks, selling seats on each others planes. Northwest pilots say they're mainly concerned about jobs. By this February,= =20 Northwest will have laid off about 630 pilots since the September 2001=20 terrorist attacks. Northwest, the nation's fourth largest carrier, says it= =20 is working with its pilots union to give members information they need to=20 make a decision about the alliance. Eight state attorneys general,=20 including Minnesota's, have said the alliance "raises antitrust questions=20 concerning the potential weakening of competition, including possible=20 effects on pricing, consumer choice and level of service." Delta and union= =20 negotiators for its pilots have reached an agreement to allow that airline= =20 to join the alliance. The owner of Roger's Trinbago Site: Roj (Roger James) *************************************************** escape email Trinbago site: CBC Website The Trinbago Site of the Week: (nalis) (T&T National Library & Information System Authority) courtesy of Roj Trinbago Website & TnT Web Directory Roj's Trinbago Website: TnT Web Directory: *********************************************************