Strike grounds hundreds of flights in France

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Strike grounds hundreds of flights in France

PARIS (AP) =97 A strike by French air traffic controllers forced the=20
cancellation of hundreds of flights in and out of France on Tuesday,=20
creating havoc for travelers across Europe during a nationwide walkout by=20
civil servants. The air traffic controllers joined bus, subway and train=20
drivers, hospital workers, and electricity and telephone utility staff in=20
the strike over pay, retirement benefits and the French government's=20
privatization plans. The protests were the biggest labor challenge yet for=
the 5-month-old government of center-right Prime Minister Jean-Pierre=20
Raffarin, which has made a priority of selling off the state's stake in=20
many French companies to raise cash. Flights in France and Europe were=20
hardest hit by the strike, officials said. Long-haul flights to=20
destinations such as the United States, Asia and Africa were much less=20
affected, the Paris airports authority said. The authority said around 80%=
of flights =97 or a total of more than 1,000 =97 were canceled at Paris'=
and Charles de Gaulle airports. The strike began Monday evening and was=20
expected to continue until 6 a.m. Wednesday.

Italian carrier Alitalia said three out of four of its daily 90 flights=20
between France and Italy were canceled. Hungary's national airline, Malev,=
canceled 10 flights into or out of Paris, and Scandinavian Airlines=20
canceled 27 flights linking Paris and the French Riviera town of Nice to=20
Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm. Spain's national aviation authority said=20
about 130 flights between Spain and France were canceled and use of French=
airspace by flights that didn't land in France also was hindered. At=20
Frankfurt airport, continental Europe's busiest, the walkout caused the=20
cancellation of 72 flights, an airport spokesman said. Disruptions for=20
travelers in France weren't limited to the skies. British airlines also=20
canceled some 200 flights to and from France.  Bottlenecks formed on=20
platforms in many Paris subway stations in the morning rush hour. Commuters=
in the cities of Toulouse, Bordeaux and Marseille also faced sharp service=
cutbacks in buses and subways.

In Paris, tens of thousands of public employees, many lighting flares that=
formed huge clouds of smoke, marched through the city. "All together! All=20
together! Yes! Yes!" the protesters shouted. Union organizers claimed=20
80,000 participants. The police put their number at 30,000. Thousands more=
stomped through the Mediterranean port city of Marseille, and in the towns=
of Toulouse in the south and Rennes in the northwest. The strikes marked=20
the second day of France's transportation sector woes. Striking truckers=20
blockaded dozens of highways in a protest over pay on Monday. Two top=20
truckers unions, whose dispute is with management =97 not the government =97=
had vowed to revive the protest on Tuesday, but the few remaining blockades=
had all been lifted by the afternoon.

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