NYTimes.com Article: 54Who Lost Airline Jobs After 9/11 Are Still Jobless

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54Who Lost Airline Jobs After 9/11 Are Still Jobless

October 23, 2002

Many airlines laid off a fifth of their workers after the
Sept. 11 attacks, and a report released yesterday found
that 54 percent of New York-area airline workers who lost
their jobs remained unemployed.

The report, based on surveys by the machinists' union and
three City University of New York professors, also found
that half of those laid off had no medical insurance at
some point in the last year and that a fourth still had no

The survey, one of the largest conducted on post-Sept. 11
layoffs, also found that 12 percent of the area's laid-off
airline workers had to move for financial reasons, while 31
percent said they feared they might have to move soon
because of financial difficulties.

"There is an ongoing disaster for these airline workers who
were displaced by the events of 9/11," said Bill Kornblum,
a City University sociology professor and the main author
of the report.

For the survey, the machinists' union and three professors
at City University Graduate Center mailed questionnaires to
1,800 mechanics, customer service representatives, baggage
handlers and other workers laid off by United, American and
Trans World Airlines, and 609 workers returned completed

One jobless worker, Joel Garhartt, an avionics crew chief
who had worked for T.W.A. for 27 years, said he and his
wife were selling their house in Astoria, Queens, because
they could no longer afford their $885 monthly mortgage
payments. Mr. Garhartt's unemployment insurance, $405 a
week, ran out after nine months.

"It feels strange having to sell our house after living
there for 27 years," he said.

At a news conference at City University Graduate Center,
James Parrott, deputy director of the Fiscal Policy
Institute, estimated that the airlines laid off about
10,000 workers in the New York area.

"This was an industry that was hit harder than any other
industry in New York City," Dr. Parrott said.

The Fiscal Policy Institute and the Consortium of Worker
Education, a labor-backed group that helps retrain workers,
sponsored the study.

Unemployment benefits for most of the airline workers
expired in July, causing the report's authors to recommend
federal legislation to extend benefits at least three

Tom Daschle, the Senate majority leader, attended the news
conference on a day when he was campaigning for H. Carl
McCall, the Democratic candidate for governor. Calling the
airline workers victims, Senator Daschle, Democrat of South
Dakota, said, "They didn't lose their lives, but they did
lose their livelihoods, and now many of them are starting
to lose hope."

He noted that when President Bush's father was in the White
House, unemployment benefits were extended three times.

"We were able to agree that extending unemployment benefits
was the right approach then; we should be able to agree
that it is the right approach now," Mr. Daschle said.

Many workers said they had looked for other jobs with
little success.

"I'm extremely depressed," said Helen McFarland, a ticket
counter supervisor who had worked 35 years for T.W.A. "I
was making $17 an hour, and I just went for an interview
for an administrative job at a doctor's office that paid
just $8 an hour," Ms. McFarland said. "I can't afford to
live on that."

Steve Sleigh, director of strategic resources for the
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace
Workers, criticized lawmakers in Washington for approving
$11 billion to bail out the airlines industry while doing
little to help aviation workers.

"The crisis for New York's airline workers and their
families is about to get worse," Mr. Sleigh said, adding
that many of the unemployed would soon lose their medical
coverage because they could no longer afford the premiums.

Gloria Daniels, who was a station support clerk for
United, said she could not afford the $350 a month needed
to keep her medical insurance.

"I have to go to the doctor next week, and I'm going to
have to pay for it out of my own pocket," said Ms. Daniels,
who was carrying job-rejection letters from Delta, JetBlue
and Sabena.

In the survey, 21 percent of the laid-off white workers
said they had no medical insurance, while 39 percent of the
black workers and 37 percent of Hispanic workers said they
were without coverage.


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