Speaking for B757s, I for one am getting tired of them between SFO and BOS. Although it could be worse, UA is now flying A320s and A319s coast-to-coast on red eyes. -----Original Message----- From: The Airline List [mailto:AIRLINE@LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU] On Behalf Of Dennis W Zeuch Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 7:31 PM To: AIRLINE@LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU Subject: Re: DL's new low cost airline dplaflamme@alumni.nd.edu writes: << Delta would choose the 757s over the MD-80s for a low-cost division, >> Anyone out there think they have a chance? Why will this be different than their first attempt at a low cost spin off on the Eastcoast to Florida market? Whats the secret plan to make it work----jet blue sounds like one hell of a competator and I think they will become a source of pride amoung NewYorkers like the old EASTERN airlines shuttle used to be years ago. People used to brag about the shuttle discomfort etc etc Dennis