US Airways wins court approval to dump more leases=20 Thursday October 3, 4:17 PM EDT=20 ALEXANDRIA, Va. Oct 3 (Reuters) - A federal judge has given US Airways Group Inc.(UAWGQ < WGQ > ) flexibility to abandon or reject more aircraft and engine leases as it tries to cut costs and restructure under bankruptcy protection. In an order handed down on Wednesday, Judge Stephen Mitchell of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court of the Eastern District of Virginia approved the carrier's motion to cancel leases from a list of 150 aircraft. US Airways has not said how many agreements it would seek to eliminate or when it would act. The airline had previously gained court approval to turn back 67 leases but determined that it needed broader authority to dump contracts or renegotiate terms on more older aircraft that are expensive to maintain. =A92002 Reuters Limited.=20