Blow=B9s my mind when airlines (and other business=B9) do these stupid things. Nickling and diming your way to the bottom line doesn=B9t solve the problem. You can=B9t cut your way out of a hole, you must grow, profitably. With too many planes in the sky with seats that were sold too cheap. The financial carrying cost of an extra $40 million dollar plane is 10k a day.. Most airlines have 100 staff per winged aluminum tube, SouthWest has basically half that number. $10k a day and twice as many staff are slightly more significant than a bucks worth of booze. =20 Matthew On 8/28/02 10:56 AM, "Dennis W Zeuch" <> wrote: > Todays paper mentioned that US Air will no longer serve alcoholic drinks = in > coach on interntional flights. I take that to mean they are not going to > allow them at all. Continental says they are charging for them in Y class= . > If thats true then I'd guess USAir at least on intl routes is history. No > european (or American?) would fly on them without wine for dinner at leas= t. I > know, I know, no dinner either -{ >=20 > Dennis >=20 --=20 Matthew Montano --