> > > > > European Air Line 742 (2x) - never heard of them; a quick web search > > > yielded nothing. Info? > > > > > Try European Aircharter (http://www.eaac.co.uk/) > The EAL on the tail looks right, though their website doesn't mention the > 742s. It does mention 732s and BAC-111s, though. > > I'd assumed that EAL meant European Air Lines, instead of European > Aviation Limited. Are these high-density charters? > > Thanks! > > One curiosity down, three to go. I'll let you judge: According to JP 2002/03, they have 7 737-200's seating 130 economy class 1 737-200 seating 50 first class 2 747-200's seating 22 business class and 416 economy 1 747-200 seating 200 business class