Yes, there is a correlation between the two. It's called customer service. Given a choice between good customer service and poor, the smart people will chose the good over the poor, even if it costs a few dollars more. > There is an article in this month's Air Transport World which talks about the > Asian carriers being profitable because of instead of cutting cabin service in > tough times, they invest in it. Even though it may be unprofitable in the short > term, it is paying off for them big time in the long term. > > Is there a correlation between cabin service and profitability? > > Any comments? > > Mark > > Dennis W Zeuch wrote: > > > With most US carriers on the ropes and reading dire things about British and > > Lufthansa with low cost european carriers like Ryanair....what happening with > > the reborn Swiss Air (formerly Swissair)? Last I saw in some financial > > paper about a month ago was that they were doing rather well--better than > > their forcast etc. Is this true does anyone know-? > > Dennis