I realize depending on which list this is posted on it will somewhat be off topic, but I've given birth to a temporary list on Yahoo Groups called "MLB Strike Rant Forum". This list will be for the discussion of the possible upcoming Major League Baseball strike set by the players for August 30th. Any discussion relevant to the strike will be permitted, which would include the economic impact of a baseball strike, or the future of professional baseball. I'm hoping this list will have a short life span (i.e. no strike or if a short strike takes place), but the list will last no more than 30 days past the end of the strike. This list may sound like it's primarily sports related, but there are many other issues to be discussed reference the repercussions of a strike. So, if you'd like to be a member of this newly formed list, please send an e-mail to the following address: MLBStrikeRantForum-subscribe@yahoogroups.com You can put anything in the subject line, and nothing is required in the body of the message, as it will not be read. You'll receive a confirmation message from Yahoo Groups, which you'll need to respond to, again anything in the subject line, and nothing required in the body of the message. I'm the list owner, but the list itself will not be moderated and will be a public list. Attachments will be authorized. There are two primary rules that I will enforce, and that is NO SPAMING or Public FLAMING. Breaking either of these two rules will get you banned. I also ask that your language be kept to that which you would prefer your children or grandchildren (if you have them) to hear. I hope to see as many of you as possible on this list. I anticipate the initial daily message flow to be light. You can go to digest mode if it get's heavy at a later date. Hope everyone is having a great weekend? Regards, Richard Whitenight List Owner MLB Strike Rant Forum