Latest news about Fly Air.. They are going to establish a Turkish domestic operation with two EMB-145s from KLM Excel. Looks like they signed the agreement. My personal experience and sentiments about FLY Air ... Well, they are bunch of crooks running airlines. Air Anatolia owns $$$$$ to Eurocontrol. What does this management do? They establish a new airline, call it FLY Air and they start from the scratch, with Turkish government (read people) picking up the tab. What do you expect from an airline who spells Chief Pilot as "Chef Pilot" in their 1000 times Xeroxed application form. BAHA Fan of real airlines in Turkey, not some seasonal start ups. -----Original Message----- From: The Airline List [mailto:AIRLINE@LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU]On Behalf Of Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 5:29 AM To: AIRLINE@LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU Subject: Fly Air Foto of Fly Air A300B4-203 (TC-FLA) now at The airline is a subsidiary of Air Anatolia.