NYTimes.com Article: Transit Rife With Perils

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I haven't seen this posted yet-TRANSIT RIFE WITH PERILS/An Epic Journey by way of O'Hare.
Rgds Dennis


Transit Rife With Perils

July 28, 2002

SING to me of the man, O Muse, that man of wile and craft,

And how he roamed both long and far in the summer of '02.
His goal: To make one simple flight
>From the hallowed city
of New York
To Reagan National - his Ithaca - near D.C.
Many were the security checks he weathered,
And many the
long delays - at gate, on tarmac, and in air -
As he did battle with the ill-conspiring Fates
That sought
to keep him from his wife and home.

At check-in, this godlike man endured his first great
An hour he stood in line, and then
An overbearing Nymph did try to block his way,
if he had packed his mighty sea chest all himself
And if he'd had it always in his sight since then.
But ah,
our trickster hero knew it best to lie,
And so said yes (although he'd really left his chest

Unheeded on a wine-dark Midtown street
While seeking out a taxicab to Queens).

His troubles,
though, had only just begun.
For at the X-ray post, a burly Cyclops of fierce mien
pull him from the line to check his sandals.
He passed this test, but then the vulgar beast
Did ope our
hero's sea chest.
"What now," he roared, "This sly-concealèd corkscrew,

Forged in great Hephaestus' fire -
'Tis like a weapon in disguise, as deadly as a spear,
sharp enough to put out someone's eye!"

Suspicions raised, the Cyclops drew the traveler aside
question him at length about his journey,
And when at last our ill-starred man escaped,
The gate was
closed, and he diverted to a less convenient flight
With a change of plane in Memphis.
"Ye Gods!" he cried.
"What have I done your ire to deserve?"
For Memphis, as he knew, was not unlike dread Hades:
to a long-departed god, and like to be
A transit rife with perils and foul music.

So on he
went to Tennessee, across the sky's broad back,
With naught but sorrow for a seatmate.
But then, somewhere
betwixt the Scylla of Columbus
And Wheeling's wild Charybdis,
The clouds did darken like
Poseidon's brow,
And Aeolus' bag of winds did burst apart.
His plane was
tossed like dice in a gambler's cup,
Until at last their captain spoke the fateful words:
storm's too fierce. We're heading for O'Hare."

O'Hare! O'Hare! The word was like a dagger to his heart,

For everyone who traveled knew that name:
A Lotus-eaters' land, where men flew in
But ne'er came out
A god-forsaken place that, Circe-like,
Turned even patient men to savage beasts.
What hope was
there of ever getting home
When once entrappèd in that awful swamp?
How many
rosy-fingered dawns would break
Before he'd see the welcome light of home?

I could go
on and sing of our stout hero's further trials,
But no, my Muse grows old and weary of the tale.
to say that storm-tossed great Odysseus did reach home
Though much the worse for wear and wait.
And e'en when
once he stood upon that long-awaited shore,
His endless tribulations were not done.
For as he rushed
to greet his fair and loyal wife,
He learned the Gods had played him one last trick:
checked-in bags, with all his spoils of war,
Were sitting on a flight to LAX.

novelist and short story writer.


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