A WorldNetDaily.com article from damiross2@xxxxxxxxx

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<font size=3D2 face=3Darial>You have been sent this message from=
 David Ross<br>(damiross2@attbi=2Ecom) as a courtesy of=
 WorldNetDaily=2Ecom (<a=
</a>)=2E<br><br><br><br>To view the entire article, visit <a=
458</a><br><br>Wednesday, July 31,=
----------<br>Transportation honcho relieved
of personnel-security duties
<br>By Paul=
------------<br><br><font size=3D1>Posted: July 31, 2002<br>1:00=
 a=2Em=2E Eastern<br><br></font>WASHINGTON =96 In response to public=
 criticism, and a sign of more chaos at a key agency in charge of=
 protecting airline passengers from future terrorism, the=
 Transportation Department has relieved a top official with a=
 checkered record in federal security of a critical assignment=
 investigating the backgrounds of new federal airport guards=2E

<p><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D27366">WorldNetDaily=
 first reported April 24</a> that the official =96 K=2E David Holmes=
 Jr=2E =96 had a reputation for "rubberstamping" applicants for key=
 jobs, some demanding Top Secret clearance, as Commerce=
 Department security chief during the Clinton administration=2E

<p>His aviation-security duties at Transportation were reassigned=
 in May, sources say=2E

<p>Holmes became the Transportation Security Administration's=
 associate undersecretary for inspection in February =96 upon the=
 recommendation of
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta=2E Holmes doubled as=
 Mineta's bodyguard at Commerce, when Mineta, a Clinton=
 appointee, headed that agency=2E

<p>Holmes, who formerly headed Vice President Al Gore's=
 protective detail, was hired by former TSA chief John Magaw,=
 also a Secret Service veteran=2E Magaw reportedly was fired=
 earlier this month after a series of highly publicized <a=
 blunders, blown deadlines and cost overruns=2E</a>

<p>Holmes' responsibilities included vetting airport checkpoint=
 screeners and conducting internal-affairs investigations=2E He's=
 now in charge of internal affairs only, sources say=2E

<p>"Holmes was relieved of personnel-security duties," an=
 official told WorldNetDaily=2E

<p>TSA's human resources office is now supervising background=
 checks of airport-security personnel, who by law must all now be=
 U=2ES=2E citizens with no criminal records, according to sources=2E

<p>"That was moved to HR the end of May," confirmed an official=
 in TSA's office of inspection=2E

<p>Security officials who worked with Holmes at Commerce say he=
 was lax in vetting employees, at times approving applicants even=
 when background investigations turned up criminal records=2E Other=
 times, they charge, he would waive background checks=

<p>"Holmes broke all the rules about investigations and vetting=
 at Commerce," said one official=2E "He would bring on Schedule C=
 appointees, political appointees, gophers, strap-hangers and=
 entourages without any investigations at all, and give them=
 access to classified information=2E"

<p>Holmes was hired by former Commerce Secretary William Daley,=
 who later became Gore's presidential campaign manager, to plug=
 security holes left after the John Huang Chinagate scandal=2E

<p>But he made little progress and was called to task by the=
 department's inspector general, a confidential internal document=
 obtained by WorldNetDaily reveals=2E

<p>Last year, moreover, lawyers for the House Government Reform=
 Committee questioned him in closed session about the chronic=
 security lapses, WorldNetDaily has learned=2E

<p>In 1999, Holmes, who's black, shocked Commerce security=
 officials when he <a=
 href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D28374">sanitized a Y2K=
 counterterrorism report distributed to the Census Bureau by=
 removing Islamic threats=2E</a> Only threats from white=
 "right-wing" groups were included in the report=2E

<p>It turned out, however, that the only substantive millennium=
 threat came from an Islamic terrorist who was caught at the=
 Canadian border with explosives=2E The so-called "right-wing=
 militia nuts" were relatively quiet=2E

<p>Previous stories:

<p><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D28374">TSA honcho nixed=
 Islamic threats from Y2K terror report</a>

<p><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D27366">New airport=
 guards will have easy boss at TSA</a>

<p><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D27406">Agents to Mineta:=
 Rethink airport-security plan</a>
<P>=A9 2002 &nbsp;</P><br><hr noshade size=3D"1" width=3D"16%=
 "><br><P><i><a href=3D"mailto:psperry@worldnetdaily=2Ecom";>Paul=
 Sperry</a> is Washington bureau chief for=

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