Feds behind in hiring airport screeners

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Feds behind in hiring airport screeners
By Gary Stoller, USA TODAY

Less than four months before its deadline, the federal government is=20
struggling to find enough people qualified to screen passengers at=20
checkpoints at the USA's major airports.  The Transportation Security=20
Administration says it has hired 7,700 screeners. It needs to hire and=20
train a total of about 33,000 employees by Nov. 19. An additional 21,600=20
screeners will be needed by Dec. 31 to screen passengers' checked=20
bags.  Congress set the deadlines last year, when it mandated a federal=20
workforce of security screeners to replace private firms hired by airlines.=
It's considering extending the deadlines. TSA spokeswoman Heather Rosenker=
says that the agency had problems "getting the word out" about its=20
available jobs during the first few weeks, but is now "building momentum"=20
and will meet deadlines.  The TSA took over the Federal Aviation=20
Administration's airport security responsibilities this year.

Alexis Stefani, the Transportation Department's assistant inspector general=
for auditing, testified this week at a House aviation subcommittee hearing=
that the TSA's hiring delays are "largely due" to a high percentage of job=
candidates who don't show up for an initial meeting and to a high=20
percentage of applicants failing an aptitude test.  The TSA has also had a=
difficult time hiring a sufficient number of women. The agency's original=20
target was a workforce that was 50% female, but now it hopes to reach a=20
minimum of 33%. Security consultant Doug Laird says he's surprised the TSA=
has had problems getting qualified applicants, because it increased=20
salaries for screener positions. Screeners hired so far are paid average=20
salaries of $37,273 a year, but that's expected to decline as more=20
positions are filled, Stefani testified. "I guess it shows how difficult it=
was for the private companies to fill screening positions prior to Sept.=20
11," Laird says.

Former FAA security director Billie Vincent says there's no way the TSA=20
will meet its Nov. 19 hiring deadline. "What the TSA thought was an easy=20
problem to solve is not," Vincent says. "As the TSA continues to recruit=20
such a large labor pool, it will have considerable difficulty." Jolie=20
Wilson, a senior director at Management Recruiters International, questions=
whether the TSA is targeting the right people for the prospective jobs. If=
such a high percentage of candidates is failing the TSA's first tests,=20
"Something's wrong," she says. Wilson says it's possible that an employer=20
can hire 33,000 people within months, but wonders whether the right ones=20
will be hired in such a short time. "I'd want to hire the best 33,000=20
people for the job =97 not just any 33,000 people," she says.

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