In a message dated 7/10/02 3:56:56 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: > > Bob, > > You are very nieve if you think Israel is the only democracy in the middle > east. Once again I fear as an American you are being fed a diet of > 'approved > for US consumption' media and government information. > > David. > David, after more than 50 years on this planet, having earned just short of a doctorate in my studies and traveling everywhere from China to the UK, there is nothing that I can be "fed" that I do not want to eat. I am a free thinker and read much more than the crap that the US media attempts to pedal. If one tries to equate Yemen, Syria (you left out that "democracy") and Lebanon (simply an extension of Syria where terrorist groups are allowed to roam freely) with Israel, as far as their sustained support of the US, that is truly a sad state of affairs. While I can appreciate the role Turkey has played in the defense of the US over the years, they have not always been a supporter of the US. Look at the history. Similarly, Egypt and the US have been at odds frequently in the not-so distant past. Sadat was assassinated by Arab militants when he attempted to take a more conciliatory position. I do have great admiration for Jordan, its leader and people, however, this is a monarchy. While no doubt this discussion stimulates much fervor, regardless of which side of the fence one is on, I must say that the opinion being stated by our friend from the UK and the EU in general is simplistic, naive and, in many ways simply out of contact with reality. I am not a hawk by any means; however, the scum in the Arab world that supports the outright murder of children and non military-related entities through homicide bombers while, at the same time distorting their religion to justify their actions, demonstrate by their actions that they do not deserve a place in the civilized world. When one compares the actions of Israel and their attempt to simply continue to survive, there can simply be no comparison. Bob Taylor Prescott, AZ