In a message dated 7/5/02 9:41:06 AM Pacific Daylight Time,=20 writes: > Hashem Mohamed Hadayat, 41, who gunned down Yakov Aminov, 46, and Vicky He= n, > 25 =E2=80=93 both from Los Angeles - on the 4th of July at the El Al termi= nal of Los > Angeles, and wounded 7 others, is revealed by DEBKAfile=E2=80=99s intellig= ence and > counter-terror sources as a Muslim extremist. During his ten years in the > United States, he was a secret operative of the Egyptian Jihad who > maintained undercover links to the same Jihad cell in Brooklyn, New York,=20= as > the =E2=80=9Cblind sheikh=E2=80=9D Abdul Rahim Rahman and Ramzi Yousef. Bo= th are doing time > for perpetrating the first attack on the New York World Trade Center in > 1993. > Hadayat is also believed to have abetted a previous, contrived airline > disaster: On October 31, 1999, an Egyptair Boeing 767 Flight 990, which al= so > took off from Los Angeles airport, never reached its destination from > Kennedy, New York. The plane plunged into the Atlantic off the Nantucket > Island, Mass. coast, killing all 217 passengers and crew. In a special > probe, the US National Transportation Safety Board found that the copilot > Gameel el-Batouty was at the controls when the plane went into its dive. H= is > voice was recorded shouting, =E2=80=9CI put my faith in Allah!=E2=80=9D > The report held back from referring more directly to the Egyptian copilot= =E2=80=99s > responsibility for the crash. > Our sources affirm that Hadayat, who lived in Irvine, California, 70 km > south of Los Angeles, knew Batouty well. There are also indications that,=20= in > the years 1998 and 1999, Hadayat was in touch with a group of high Egyptia= n > air force officers and helicopter pilots posted at the time at Edwards Bas= e > north of Los Angeles. They were there to learn how to install command and > control centers in Egypt=E2=80=99s air defense systems, operate anti-air m= issile > batteries and fly Apache gunships. Most of those officers were on the doom= ed > Egyptian airliner after completing their courses. > Although the long-delayed US Transportation Board report never referred to > the presence of this high-ranking Egyptian air force delegation on the > flight, DEBKAfile =E2=80=99s Washington sources reported at the time that=20= most of > the investigators were satisfied that Batouty could not have seized contro= l > of the Boeing 767 without the aid =E2=80=93 certainly the compliance - of=20= those > officers. > Two years ago, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak exerted all his influence=20= on > President Clinton to keep the federal board=E2=80=99s findings out of its=20= published > report and, above all, the fact that a group of Egyptian air force officer= s > was on the plane. He warned that citing the Egyptian copilot as deliberate= ly > causing the crash would have a negative effect on Egyptian-US relations. > The report therefore fell short of clear conclusions. > Hadayat=E2=80=99s murderous attack on El Al flight 106 passengers points b= ack to the > Egyptair 990 disaster of 1999, reviving the many questions left open by th= at > earlier, half stifled inquiry, which carefully stepped round any suggestio= n > of terrorism. It also raises the question of how many sleeper cells the > Egyptian Jihad, al Qaeda=E2=80=99s primary operational arm, maintains in A= merican > cities. > Hadayat struck the El Al ticket line on his 42nd birthday. The initial FBI > inquiry found through records of his fingerprints at the Department of Mot= or > Vehicles, which issued him with a limousine license, that he was married > with at least one child, and had lived in Irvine for the last two years, > working on a green card. > Since the attack, the possibility that he arrived in America as a sleeper > terrorist must be seriously addressed. US investigators realize he was not= a > lone operative and are seeking his accomplices in such matters as setting=20= up > the hit, providing the guns he carried and intelligence on the security > situation at the Tom Brady terminal. > DEBKAfile=E2=80=99s Middle East intelligence sources report that early Fri= day, > Egyptian intelligence officers picked up Hadayat=E2=80=99s relatives and a= ssociates > in Cairo, to try and trace the identities of his fellows in the American > Jihad cell. >=20 Fascinating!=20 >From what I can see, the mainstream press has yet to pick up on the aspect o= f=20 the 7/4 LAX incident that is revealed by Addison Schonland. THX Mike/SFO