SQ has recently revised its accountancy procedures to depreciate to 20% over 15 years instead of 10. Most of the 310s and maybe a couple of 747-400s are probably over the 10 year mark. Not sure how many of the early -400s have been leased out though. There's no rule that forces Singapore registered aircraft to be retired early that I'm aware of. Regards, David On Tuesday 25 June 2002 10:20 pm, Jeff Givens wrote: > I was just in Singapore and discovered that their auto registration over > there essentially expires after 10 years forcing the owners to sell the > cars at a gov't predetermined rate and buying a new (expensive) car. > > I was later then told that the saw type law applies to SQ's aircraft; after > 10 years they must be replaced. Of course from an aircraft life perspective > this is ridiculous, but, being Singapore..... > > Any basis to this claim? > _____________________________________________ > > mailto:jgivens@comcast.net > > A random MP quote: > "I will not buy this record, it is scratched"