ONE MECHANIC'S LOOSE SCREW: An airplane mechanic formerly employed by Dallas-based Kitty Hawk Air Cargo pleaded guilty last week to one charge of willfully damaging a civil aircraft, according to the Seattle Post- Intelligencer. Michael Trusty, 25, of Granbury, Texas, admitted in federal court that he had cut a wire to the takeoff warning system of a Boeing 727 so that he could make additional money working on the aircraft. A grand jury indictment lists nine other similar incidents that allegedly took place at Seattle's Sea-Tac and Spokane International airports. Prosecutors agreed to request to imprison Trusty for up to a year, rather than up to 20 years, because he committed the crimes for economic reasons, and was not trying to cause the airplanes to crash. ... Still, we're wondering if you can draw a line to indicate when it is not so bad to intentionally damage a commercial aircraft for money ...