A WorldNetDaily.com article from damiross@xxxxxxxxx

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<font size=3D2 face=3Darial>You have been sent this message from=
 david ross<br>(damiross@attbi=2Ecom) as a courtesy of=
 WorldNetDaily=2Ecom (<a=
</a>)=2E<br><br><br><br>To view the entire article, visit <a=
647</a><br><br>Thursday, May 16,=
----------<br>Armed pilots banned<br>2 months before 9-11<br>By=
---------------<br><br><font size=3D1>Posted: May 16, 2002<br>1:00=
 a=2Em=2E Eastern<br><br></font>A 40-year-old Federal Aviation=
 Administration rule that allowed commercial airline pilots to be=
 armed was inexplicably rescinded two months before the Sept=2E 11=
 terrorist attacks, leading aviation security experts to lay at=
 least some of the blame for the tragedy at the feet of airlines,=
 none of which took advantage of the privilege while it was in=

<P>The FAA adopted the armed pilot rule shortly after the Cuban=
 missile crisis of 1961 to help prevent hijackings of American=
 airliners=2E It remained in effect for four decades=2E

<P>But in July 2001 =96 just two months prior to the Sept=2E 11=
 attacks =96 the rule was rescinded=2E

<P>According to FAA officials, the rule required airlines to=
 apply to the agency for their pilots to carry guns in cockpits=
 and for the airlines to put pilots through an agency-approved=
 firearms training course=2E

<P>The aviation agency said, however, that throughout the life of=
 the rule not a single U=2ES=2E air carrier took advantage of it,=
 effectively rendering it "moot," according to one agency=

<P>"In the past, FAA regulations permitted pilots to carry=
 firearms in the cockpit provided they completed an FAA-approved=
 training program and were trained properly by the airlines," FAA=
 spokesman Paul Takemoto told WND in a voice-mail message=2E "That=
 was never put into effect because no requests for those training=
 programs were ever made=2E =85"

<P>Takemoto said the newly created <a=
 href=3D"http://www=2Etsa=2Edot=2Egov";>Transportation Security=
 Administration</a> is now responsible for deciding whether=
 pilots can be armed=2E The Aviation and Transportation Security=
 Act signed into law by President Bush Nov=2E 19, 2001, has a=
 provision allowing pilots to be armed, but the law does not=
 mandate that the right be granted=2E

<P>The FAA failed to return numerous follow-up phone calls=
 requesting to know why the rule was rescinded, who was=
 responsible for the decision, whether a particular incident=
 spurred the decision and whether the aviation agency believes=
 the airlines share some culpability for never taking advantage=
 of it in the first place=2E

<P>Some security experts speculate that had airlines taken=
 advantage of the rule, it likely would not have been rescinded=
 by the FAA=2E And if it had been implemented by the airlines, they=
 say, the Sept=2E 11 hijackings =96 which led to the deaths of nearly=
 3,000 people in New York, Pennsylvania  and Washington, D=2EC=2E =96=
 may never have occurred=2E

<P>"It's hard to say," said Capt=2E Robert Lambert, a commercial=
 airline pilot and founding board member of  <a=
 href=3D"http://www=2Esecure-skies=2Eorg";>the Airline Pilots' Security=
 Alliance=2E</a> But in lieu of the attacks, he said he can't=
 understand why airlines still refuse to support arming their=

<P>"We're convinced there was a myriad of reasons why the=
 airlines refused to allow pilots to be armed" before the=
 attacks, said Lambert=2E He said the airlines were likely=
 concerned about liability issues, but "of course, they have a=
 lot of liabilities after Sept=2E 11, too," he added=2E

<P>"For airlines not to trust us [with a gun in the cockpit] is=
 totally ludicrous," he said=2E

<P>Other pilot advocacy groups have said arming pilots as a "last=
 line of defense" against terrorist hijackings is a better option=
 =96 even if some innocent passengers are inadvertently harmed =96=
 than having Air Force fighters blow entire airliners out of the=
 sky, assuredly killing all aboard=2E

<P>Nico Melendez, a spokesman for the TSA, said his agency wasn't=
 aware of the FAA's former rule=2E But when asked if it could have=
 prevented the Sept=2E 11 attacks, he refused to speculate, saying,=
 "I won't go there=2E"

<P>Melendez also refused to say when or whether the agency would=
 sanction arming pilots=2E "That will be announced in due time," he=
 told WND=2E

<P><b>Airlines mum</b>

<P>None of the airlines WND attempted to contact for this story=
 returned inquiries asking whether they believed they shared some=
 culpability for the Sept=2E 11 attacks=2E

<P>Bill Mellon, a spokesman for Northwest Airlines, initially=
 responded but, after repeatedly declining to answer pointed=
 questions as to why his company never applied for the FAA=
 program, referred further inquiries to an airline industry=

<P>"Those are industry questions," he told WorldNetDaily in an=
 e-mail response, "not Northwest Airline questions," referring=
 the newssite to the <a=
 Transport Association,</a> or ATA, the industry's primary trade=

<P>But the ATA, along with America West, American Airlines and=
 United Airlines, also failed to respond to numerous requests for=

<P>APSA's Lambert said the ATA, which purports to speak for the=
 entire airline industry, has "historically been against arming=
 pilots," a position he said was "hard to understand=2E"

<P>According to published statements, the ATA said it has=
 traditionally supported "more federal air marshals" instead=2E

<P><b>Congressional help?</b>

<P>Some lawmakers are working to implement new legislation that=
 would require federal officials to "deputize" airline pilots and=
 allow them to be armed=2E

<P>The House Transportation Committee is considering H=2ER=2E 4635,=
 called the "Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act," which would=
 make volunteer pilots Federal Flight Deck Officers, according to=
 a published summary=2E

<P>The bill would mandate =96 not simply ask =96 the "Under Secretary=
 of Transportation for Security to =85 deputize qualified volunteer=
 pilots as federal law enforcement officers to defend the=
 cockpits of commercial aircraft in flight against acts of=
 criminal violence or air piracy=2E"

<P>The program would go into effect 90 days after it is signed=
 into law, and would be implemented in conjunction with the=
 federal air marshal program=2E

<P> The head of the <a href=3D"http://www=2Estudycrime=2Eorg";>Center=
 for the Study of Crime,</a> Randall N=2E Herrst =96 an attorney by=
 trade who said his arguments have been used successfully in=
 anti-gun control cases =96 disagrees with the government's=
 intention of placing sky marshals on each flight=2E He says arming=
 pilots would be a better, more cost-effective and faster plan to=

<P>"At 35,000 flights a day, even if some marshals can cover two=
 round trips per day on short routes, we will still need 90,000=
 sky marshals if we want at least two on each flight," taking=
 into account days off, vacations and sick days, he said=2E

<P>He agreed that "there are no guarantees" armed pilots would=
 have prevented the Sept=2E 11 hijackings=2E But he added: "That is=
 the only course of action that could have stopped the attacks=2E"

<P>Herrst said arming pilots would amount to a military principle=
 known as "defense in depth=2E"

<P>"If you have a choice," he says, "you never depend on a single=
 line of defense =96 you always have a second, third and fourth=
 line as well=2E"

<P>He is also suspicious that despite Sept=2E 11, lawmakers,=
 bureaucrats and the White House are still dragging their feet=
 over arming pilots=2E

<P>"The reasons must be purely political," he told WND=2E "[But] if=
 there is another major round of hijackings, it will probably=
 bankrupt the entire U=2ES=2E airline industry=2E"

<P>"People are so obsessed with banning guns that they are=
 willing to sacrifice human lives and a huge portion of our=
 economy to political correctness," he added=2E

<P>Related stories:

<P><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D27492">20,000 pilots=
 demand firearms in cockpits</a>

<P><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D27198">Pilots' group=
 petitions to arm air crews</a>

<P><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D27102">Pilot groups=
 unified on arming air crews</a>

<P><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D26873">Senator calls for=
 arming pilots</a>

<P><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D26709">Ridge comment on=
 arming pilots out of step</a>

<P><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D26422">Pilots' group=
 wants crews to be armed</a>

<P><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D26147">Expert: 'No=
 substitute' for firearms on aircraft</a>

<P><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D26061">FAA seeks input=
 on arming pilots</a>

<P><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D24597">Bill would ensure=
 pilots' right to be armed</a>

<P><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D24809">Reform Party:=
 Pilots should be armed</a>

<P><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D24673">Boot camp for=

<P><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D24558">Pilots offered=
 free firearms training</a>

<P><a href=3D"/news/article=2Easp?ARTICLE_ID=3D24549">Captains to FAA:=
 Focus on cockpits</a><br>

<P><b>Related Special Offers:</b>

<P>'The 7 Myths of Gun Control'<BR><A=
t the ultimate answer book on Second Amendment rights</A>

<P>'On the Firing Line'<br><a=
&SUBDEPARTMENT_ID=3D23&ITEM_ID=3D422">Larry Pratt's provocative=
 analysis of 2nd Amendment</a><br>
<P>=A9 2002 &nbsp;</P><br><hr noshade size=3D"1" width=3D"16%=
 "><br><P><i><A HREF=3D"mailto:jdougherty@worldnetdaily=2Ecom";>Jon E=2E=
 Dougherty</A> is a staff reporter and columnist for=
 WorldNetDaily, and author of the special report, <a=
0&SUBDEPARTMENT_ID=3D35&DROPSHIP_ID=3D44&ITEM_ID=3D19">"Election 2000:=
 How the Military Vote Was=

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