Note: Tail number reported on as B-18225. SOURCE: Yahoo wl_nm/crash_taiwan_dc_2 Taiwan Plane Missing En Route to Hong Kong Sat May 25, 5:20 AM ET TAIPEI (Reuters) - A China Airlines Boeing 747-200 is believed to have crashed into the sea on Saturday after it went missing en route from Taiwan to Hong Kong, airport and airline officials said. "It disappeared from the radar. Judging from the situation, it crashed into the sea," airport spokesman Wei Sheng-chih told Reuters by telephone. The plane took off at 3:11 p.m. (3:11 a.m. EDT) and disappeared off radar screens 19 minutes later off Taiwan. The plane was carrying more than 200 passengers and 19 crew, officials said. Flying time from Taiwan to Hong Kong is one and a half hours. China Airlines flight movements operator in Hong Kong, Phyllis Leung, told Reuters the flight number of the plane was CI 611. She said the plane was a Boeing 747-200. Military planes and vessels were searching for the aircraft, officials in Taipei said. "The cabinet has formed an emergency team to deal with the situation," cabinet spokesman Chuang Suo-han told reporters. -- David Mueller / HNL