Verdict expected soon on toxic air aboard jets

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Verdict expected soon on toxic air aboard jets
By Byron Acohido, USA TODAY

SEATTLE =97 Three Alaska Airlines managers conducted an extraordinary=20
experiment on an MD-80 jet in 1996. Frustrated by complaints about noxious=
mists on MD-80 flights, the managers tried to recreate the problem on a jet=
parked inside a hangar. John Fowler, then chief of maintenance, ordered a=20
mechanic to squirt 8 ounces of hydraulic fluid into a scooplike "air inlet"=
on the jet's underbelly, where it was sucked in by a small engine pumping=20
fresh air into the passenger cabin.

In a few minutes, the managers noticed a waviness in the air inside the=20
cabin that looked like automobile exhaust or a heat wave. "I recall a=20
metallic taste in my mouth, some burning around the eyes and sensitivity in=
my nose," Fowler would say later.
Fowler told his story recently during a trial that's been unfolding for 10=
weeks in state superior court here. Twenty-six current and former Alaska=20
Airlines flight attendants say they have suffered severe neurological=20
damage from being repeatedly exposed to toxic chemicals on MD-80 flights=20
during the 1980s and 1990s. The case is expected to go to the jury this=20
month, and the verdict could ripple well beyond Seattle, Alaska Airlines'=20
hometown. A victory for the flight attendants could damage the public's=20
confidence in the more than 1,700 MD-80s and DC-9s, the MD-80's predecessor=
model, used by airlines worldwide. It could also force airlines and=20
aircraft makers to confront contaminated air problems that regularly turn=20
up on other models. And it might stir further action to reduce the health=20
risks for millions who fly, especially flight crews, young children and=20
people sensitive to certain chemicals.

"This is a big environmental issue with serious consequences," says Jean=20
Christophe Balouet, an environmental consultant based in Paris who has=20
worked for flight crew unions in several countries. Airlines and aircraft=20
makers, he says, have been "reluctant to admit contamination takes place=20
because they'd have to compensate the people who have been exposed."
Last year, the Alaska flight attendants won a $725,000 out-of-court=20
settlement from Alaska Airlines, and now they're going after two of the=20
nation's biggest companies: Boeing and Honeywell. The plaintiffs contend=20
both companies have known for decades that the MD-80 and DC-9 have design=20
flaws that make it easy for leaking chemical fluids to get sucked into the=
auxiliary power unit, or APU, and mix with cabin air. The APU is a small=20
turbine engine used to generate electricity and circulate cabin air before=
takeoff. Boeing inherited responsibility for the MD-80 and DC-9 models when=
it bought McDonnell Douglas in 1997. Honeywell owns AlliedSignal, which=20
made the APU.

Both companies dispute the flight attendants' claims. They say fumes that=20
enter the passenger cabin don't contain enough chemicals to cause harm. The=
lawsuit is believed to be the first to assert that an aircraft maker is=20
responsible for the quality of the air breathed by passengers and airline=20
crews. Jets built in the 1980s and since use 50% recirculated cabin air,=20
instead of 100% outside air, as earlier models do. Yet a wider group of=20
people now routinely travel by air. In no other public venue can you find=20
infants, the elderly and the infirm crammed into a public space =97 with no=
exits =97 and air supply systems in close proximity to pressurized lines of=
toxic chemicals. Over the past decade, flight attendants, pilots and=20
public-health advocates worldwide have clamored for air quality testing and=
standards. In a report to Congress in December, the National Academy of=20
Sciences called for establishment of a surveillance program to monitor=20
cabin air quality and document health effects. "If people had half a clue=20
about the possibility that this environment they're entering for whatever=20
period of time could jeopardize them, they'd be up in arms," says former=20
flight attendant Debra Bradford, the lead plaintiff.

Problems on other models

The Alaska flight attendants point to evidence the problem goes well beyond=
their airline's jets. A July 1996 Alaska Airlines maintenance document,=20
introduced during the trial, identifies 15 other airlines reporting=20
instances of "fluids entering APU air intake" on DC-9s and MD-80s and=20
resulting in "associated passenger/crew complaints including illnesses."=20
Among the most well-known airlines cited were Alitalia, American, Swissair,=
TWA and US Airways. To gauge how often air quality problems are reported on=
DC-9s and MD-80s, USA TODAY checked the Federal Aviation Administration's=20
Service Difficulty Reports (SDRs) database. The FAA requires airlines to=20
file the one-page documents each time a mechanical problem arises. They are=
an imperfect indicator because some airlines are more rigorous about filing=
them than others. Even so, safety experts consider SDRs a useful tool for=20
spotting industrywide problems. From 1974 through mid-2001, eight U.S.=20
carriers =97 American, Northwest, TWA, Delta, Continental, US Airways,=20
Midwest Express and Alaska =97 reported 1,051 incidents of fumes, smoke,=20
haze, mist or odors entering the cabin air supply system of DC-9s and=20
MD-80s, USA TODAY found after reviewing SDRs supplied by Air Data Research=
of Helotes, Texas.

In a majority of the reports, the aircraft turned back to the gate or made=
an unscheduled landing. Typically, the air supply system was inspected,=20
parts replaced and the jet returned to service. The DC-9/MD-80 isn't the=20
only model with cabin air problems. Through the 1990s, "air quality=20
incidents" have been reported on Airbus 320s, Boeing DC-10s, 737s, 757s and=
the British Aerospace BAe 146, other airline maintenance records and union=
surveys of airline crews show. In October, the British Air Line Pilots=20
Association surveyed 93 crews who reported more than 1,600 events of fumes=
reaching the flight deck on Boeing 757s.
The events ranged from pilots "noticing some smells" and a few "serious=20
incidents where crews had to put on oxygen masks," says Bruce D'Ancey,=20
assistant technical secretary for the union. Honeywell and Boeing maintain=
that leaks, in general, occur so infrequently and pollutants mixing with=20
cabin air are so minuscule that health risks are minimal. "The level of=20
(chemicals) that would enter the cabin environment in event of a leak is=20
1/1,000th to 1/10,000th of what would be required to even begin to be=20
potentially harmful to human health," says Honeywell attorney Bradley=

Though declining to comment specifically on the trial, Boeing provided a=20
statement listing 11 studies purporting to show cabin air "pollutant=20
levels" to be "low and, in general, not different from ground-based=20
environments such as your home or office."
Medical experts say the right kind of research =97 studies that analyze=20
contaminated air, not just cabin air with no reported problems =97 has yet=
be done. "Industry keeps saying there's no evidence that people have been=20
hurt, but there's no evidence people have not been hurt either," says=20
Christiaan van Netten, a professor at the University of British Columbia's=
Department of Health Care and Epidemiology. "Basically, we don't know=20
because we have yet to catch one of these incidents with the proper=20

Advice ignored
A good place to begin such detective work would be on any DC-9 or MD-80,=20
says plaintiffs' attorney Randy Gordon. He and another attorney, Sam Elder,=
have spent four years gathering evidence of what they say are two design=20
flaws involving the APU.
They begin with the placement of the APU's air inlet, the rectangular=20
opening through which the unit draws in fresh air, in a "6 o'clock"=20
position at the rear belly of the fuselage. Gordon and Elder contend that=20
as McDonnell Douglas incorporated improvements to the 1960s-era DC-9, it=20
should have heeded advice in a 1974 installation handbook suggesting the=20
air inlet ought to be moved. That's because hydraulic fluid lines running=20
throughout the aircraft invariably leak fluid into the belly, which is=20
designed with small "weep" holes so such fluid can drain out. Gravity and=20
motion can draw fluid toward the rear belly, where the air inlet sucks it=20
in like a vacuum. The APU then compresses the fluid and mixes it with air=20
delivered into the plane's ventilation system.

"The least favorable location is an inlet located well aft of the bottom=20
surface of the fuselage," the installation handbook warns. "Fluids likely=20
to be ingested with this type of inlet include those that may be spilled=20
within the aircraft fuselage." SAE, a group that sets industrial standards=
for lubricants, reinforced that warning in a 1981 advisory: "APU inlets=20
should not be located on the bottom of the fuselage where there is maximum=
exposure to ... fluid leakage." But it wasn't until after Boeing acquired=20
McDonnell Douglas in 1997 that something was done. In 1999, more than a=20
year after the Bradford lawsuit was filed, Boeing certified the latest=20
version of the MD-80 and renamed it the Boeing 717, with one telling=20
change: The APU air inlet was raised to one side, in the 2 o'clock=20
position, of the fuselage, where it is unlikely to suck up leaking fluids.=
Boeing officials testified that the air inlet was moved solely to meet=20
stricter FAA ground noise rules. But Gordon and Elder contend Boeing moved=
the inlet to reduce future liabilities.

"Everyone knew the 6 o'clock location was prone to ingestion problems, so=20
when the FAA said move it for noise, they had an excuse to do the right=20
thing for the wrong reason," Gordon says. The FAA in recent years has=20
required airlines using DC-9s and MD-80s to install metal strips and drain=
tubes near the air inlet to help direct leaked fluids away from it. An FAA=
order in September 2000 makes reference to "reports of smoke and odor ...=20
due to hydraulic fluid leaking in the APU inlet, and subsequently into the=
air conditioning system." The order requires airlines to strengthen=20
hydraulic lines prone to cracking, "which could result in smoke and odors=20
in the passenger cabin or cockpit." When smoke or odor is reported on an=20
American Airlines MD-80, the carrier removes the plane from service to=20
conduct a "burn-out" procedure designed to remove all remnants of the=20
leaked fluid from the air supply pumps and ducts. American has retrofitted=
its fleet of 360 MD-80s with higher-powered APUs and installed all=20
available diverters and upgradeable ducting and fluid lines, says American=
spokesman John Hotard.
"We've built in a set of policies and procedures over the years to try to=20
prevent fluid ingestion into the APU and odors in the cabin," Hotard says.

Gordon and Elder say the second design problem came to light in the 1980s=20
when airlines began reporting an unexpectedly high number of premature APU=
removals because of chronic leaks of an internal oil seal, court records=20
show. In 1995, AlliedSignal assigned an engineer, Arthur Eckstat, to try to=
resolve the problem. Now retired, Eckstat testified that he discovered=20
AlliedSignal had failed to adequately test the compatibility of a commonly=
used lubrication oil with a certain type of seal. The oil turned out to be=
more corrosive to that particular seal than anybody thought. In August=20
1996, AlliedSignal began to call for airlines to switch to a compatible=20
seal the next time they removed the APU for an overhaul. Karl Pfitzer,=20
Honeywell's director of product safety and integrity, says most airlines,=20
including Alaska, made the switch by 1998. "We think it has been fully=20
resolved," Pfitzer says.
But by then, APU seal leaks had plagued airlines for more than a decade,=20
Gordon says. Incompatible seals and a poorly located air inlet, he says,=20
combined to make the 1990s a decade when Alaska Airlines received about=20
1,600 reports of what the airline began calling "unexplained illnesses"=20
from crew members and passengers. "Mysteries are cheaper than fixes," he=

Mystery illnesses
On a June 1996 MD-80 flight from Sacramento to Seattle, Terri Nixon, then=20
an Alaska flight attendant for 10 years, became dizzy and confused. She=20
subsequently developed blurred vision, migraines, extreme fatigue, balance=
problems and memory loss.
Nixon lost her ability to multitask and, after the airline rejected her=20
workers' compensation claim, was forced to go on welfare. She now works as=
a cocktail waitress and has trouble remembering things. "I write all my=20
orders down. You learn to cope."
Karen Burns had been a flight attendant for eight years when she boarded a=
flight from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, to Phoenix in July 1996. On the flight,=
she and two co-workers became seriously ill. Maintenance records show the=20
MD-80 had leaked 8 quarts of hydraulic fluid. For the next two years, Burns=
endured violent, involuntary jerking of her upper trunk and arms. Six years=
later, she still has occasional shakes and hasn't been back to work. "As I=
start getting tired, I don't hold myself right, and it becomes more=20

Taking chances
Bradford, a nine-year veteran at Alaska, says she got used to toughing out=
a variety of flulike symptoms she'd sometimes leave work with. In March=20
1998, she went from the airport to her hotel room feeling acutely=20
depressed. She says she began coughing up blood and developed respiratory=20
problems, memory lapses and chronic disorientation over the next three=20
years. "It's like Russian roulette for anybody who flies," Bradford says.=20
"You never know when your number is up." During the past 10 weeks, a dozen=
physicians and medical experts have testified for the plaintiffs that the=20
flight attendants' central nervous systems have been damaged by exposure to=
organophosphates, a class of chemicals used in hydraulic fluid and jet=20
engine lubrication oil. Organophosphates are used in pesticides and nerve=20
gas. Gordon has introduced evidence showing how the APU can superheat=20
leaked fluids into a toxic "chemical soup" and how low concentrations of=20
chemicals breathed on several different flights can, for some people, be=20
more harmful than one large exposure.

Keller describes the plaintiffs as "healthy people who live very active=20
lifestyles." Toxicologist Carl Mackerer testified that a flight attendant=20
could work in a "visible mist environment" for "two hours a day, seven days=
a week, 52 weeks a year, for more than two years without sustaining ... a=20
delayed neurotoxic reaction." Plaintiffs' attorney Elder notes that even=20
though Alaska, Honeywell and Boeing do not admit wrongdoing, each has taken=
steps to reduce opportunities for chemicals to mix with cabin air. "They've=
probably solved the specific instance of seal incompatibility, but seals=20
still sometimes leak, and the air inlet is still down there on the belly of=
the plane," Elder says. "I think it happens less frequently than it used to=
=97 but it still happens." Whatever the jury in Seattle decides, some flight=
attendants feel they've already won. "For so long, they've tried to cover=20
it up and make us think it was all in our heads, " Nixon says. "It was so=20
gratifying to get on the stand and tell what happened to us."

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