> >Air Canada Launches U.S. Transborder Seat Sale With Great Savings For >Spring Travel > > > > > > MONTREAL, April 17 /CNW/ - Air Canada today announced that it is reducing >fares up to 25 per cent for travel this spring between Canada and the United >States. The sale begins Thursday April 18 and continues until Monday April 29, >2002, for travel from May 2 until June 15, 2002. The sale applies to travel >between Canada and as many as 80 U.S. destinations, excluding Las Vegas, >served by Air Canada, its regional airline Air Canada Jazz and its Star >Alliance partner, United Airlines. > "Now's the time to book for vacation travel this spring and take >advantage of great savings to an extensive choice of U.S. destinations," said >Marc Rosenberg, Vice President, Sales and Product Distribution. "Together with >our Star Alliance partner, United Airlines, we offer unparalleled choice with >excellent value for customers who book early." > Air Canada is also offering special low fares for travel this summer >between June 16 and September 30. To take advantage of these special fares, >bookings must also be made before April 29, 2002. > Fares are each way based on return-trip travel in Canadian dollars >excluding taxes and surcharges where applicable. Following are some highlights >of Air Canada's seat sale, starting as low as: > > << > _________________________________ ________________________________ > VANCOUVER EACH WAY STARTING AT: CALGARY EACH WAY STARTING AT: > _________________________________ ________________________________ > Boston $279 Los Angeles $159 > Washington $296 San Francisco $159 > San Francisco $149 Houston $269 > New York(JFK) $279 Washington D.C. $278 > Chicago $269 Chicago $227 > _________________________________ ________________________________ > > _________________________________ ________________________________ > EDMONTON EACH WAY STARTING AT: SASKATOON EACH WAY STARTING AT: > _________________________________ ________________________________ > Chicago $229 Philadelphia $259 > Seattle $124 St-Louis $209 > New Orleans $280 Boston $249 > Newark N.J. $279 New York $249 > Los Angeles $169 Washington, D.C. $259 > _________________________________ ________________________________ > > _________________________________ ________________________________ > REGINA EACH WAY STARTING AT: WINNIPEG EACH WAY STARTING AT: > _________________________________ ________________________________ > Boston $249 Chicago $149 > Washington $249 Charlotte $223 > Cleveland $209 New Orleans $234 > Los Angeles $209 New York $219 > Chicago $179 Raleigh $229 > _________________________________ ________________________________ > > _________________________________ ________________________________ > TORONTO EACH WAY STARTING AT: OTTAWA EACH WAY STARTING AT: > _________________________________ ________________________________ > Los Angeles $229 Atlanta $159 > Boston $109 Washington $109 > Dallas $210 Milwaukee $140 > New York $117 San Francisco $229 > Atlanta $149 Pittsburgh $116 > _________________________________ ________________________________ > > _________________________________ ________________________________ > MONTREAL EACH WAY STARTING AT: HALIFAX EACH WAY STARTING AT: > _________________________________ ________________________________ > Los Angeles $229 New Orleans $272 > Miami $191 Newark $129 > Boston $99 Boston $99 > New York $117 Philadelphia $129 > San Francisco $229 Washington, D.C. $143 > _________________________________ ________________________________ > > _________________________________ > ST JOHN'S EACH WAY STARTING AT: > _________________________________ > San Diego $424 > Phoenix $427 > Atlanta $349 > Charlotte $334 > Boston $249 > _________________________________ The owner of Roger's Trinbago Site: Roj (Roger James) *************************************************** escape email mailto:ejames@escape.ca Trinbago site: http://www.tntisland.com CBSC Website http://www.tntisland.com/caribbeansocabrassconnection/ The Trinbago Site of the Week: (Blue Haven) http://www.bluehavenhotel.com/ (Blue Haven Hotel & Resort) courtesy of Roj Trinbago Website & TnT Web Directory Roj's Trinbago Website: http://www.tntisland.com TnT Web Directory: http://search.co.tt *********************************************************