Hi all, first of all sorry to those who aren't the least interested. So many of you, with whom I have off-list contact, have asked to be informed, so here it is: Yesterday at 1630 hrs (1430 GMT) Jan Broe Jr. alias Mads Broe arrived, weighing in at 4050 grams and measuring 54 cms (sorry, don't have the lbs/inches conversion table at hand). Both mother and son are great, and the father not yet fully back from the 7th heaven. Of course one of the first gifts for the boy was a toy aeroplane, so give him a couple of years and he'll be on the lists too... Thanks to all of you for your interest and good wishes during Heidi's pregnancy. Finally: I know I still owe a couple of you answers to your CPH queries. Sorry, but it will now be a month's time before I return to work after paternity leave... Best regards Jan Broe EKCH ATC