I saw the NBC TV special on Tuesday night about the Air Transat A330 that lost power to both engines over the Atlantic from YYZ-LIS... Just curious folks, but what are the chances of a 747 or say a DC10/MD11 being able to glide like that for over a half hour without engine power and land the way the A330 did?? These seem a lot bulkier in the aerodynamics dept than the A330 or even the Gimli Glider AC 767 from a few year back. Carlos Borda Carlos' Airliner Images! http://members.aol.com/upsplane/homepage.html http://airliners.net/search/photo.search?emailsearch=upsplane@aol.com <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>