A woman was arrested at Miami International Airport after she crashed her pickup truck through a security gate, hopped a 10-foot barbed wire fence into a restricted area and boarded a plane that was being cleaned in a hangar. According to FBI statements in the arrest report, crew on the plane described Tanya Polese as "hysterical" and said she believed she was fleeing from people who wanted to kill her.Polese, 31, was ordered jailed without bond pending a psychological evaluation.Police also arrested a man who they said assaulted flight attendants and screamed obscenities on an American Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Miami on Monday night.The unidentified man was subdued and the plane landed without further incident, police said.He appeared to be under the influence of alcohol and prescription drugs, said airline spokeswoman Mary Frances Fagan.Meanwhile, federal investigators have found no terrorist links to an Egyptian man who carried boxcutters on a flight to Miami last week.Aly Sabra Galal Abdell, 29, was arrested Friday on immigration charges because he had been deported from New York earlier in the year.He was being detained Monday while authorities continued their investigation Leo/ORD