Thats what I have. I never had photo. Also interesting about NJ, when I was in the military, as long as I have a Military ID my NJ drivers licence doent expire. ----- Original Message ----- From: Matthew Sheren <> To: <AIRLINE@LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU> Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 5:57 PM Subject: Re: Checkin Photo I.D. > Dennis W Zeuch wrote: > > > The "government issue' photo that the airlines now require at checkin, > > Drivers license, Passport etc > > Does it need to be valid or will an expired license/passport be accepted? > > anyone out there know? > > In New Jersey, when licenses are renewed by mail, you get a non-photo card > back. Typically, when a New Jerseyan with a current non-photo license has to > show photo ID, s/he'll show the new card with the expired photo license, even > though the latter alone usually suffices. > Matthew :)