Syracuse Lands Another Low Fare Airline Company At Airport w <> Anthony Adornato <> Legacy airlines will be getting off the ground sometime in September. The goal is to increase competition among the exiting airlines, and they're hoping the company's lower fares will do the trick and bring businesses and travellers back to the airport. The cost of flying out of Syracuse is sky high compared to other airports, and it's so expensive that many people take a two hour drive to Albany, or travel to Rochester to catch a cheaper flight. "Why should you have to do that? The point of flying is convenience," says frequent flyer Ariel Warhaftig. Legacy will not only make flying cheaper, but more convenient when it speeds up travelling. Starting in August, they will introduce non-stop direct jet service to destinations including Chicago, Las Vegas, St. Louis, Washington, D.C., Orlando, Ft. Meyers, Fort Lauderdale, Hartford, Providence and Portsmouth, New Hampshire. "We will be giving more flight options, more destinations on new airplanes," says Legacy spokesperson Stephen Enea. The cost of one way tickets will start at $39, which should mean cheaper flights and hundreds of jobs for the central New York economy. "We're looking at 300 people to hire. We've already been doing open houses at the airport," says Enea. Legacy expects the arrival of DestiNY U.S.A. to give the company a big boost in business once it is completed. The airline also plans on adding more destinations in the future. To learn more about the company, click <> here.